Drill Pipe

This drill pipe is manufactured from premium-quality USA Steel and is created with precision manufacturing techniques, coupled with experience and expertise, to deliver the industry’s best drill pipe.  The pipe is specifically designed for water well, construction, mining, or geotechnical/environmental processes.

Advanced inertia welding technology, produces the strongest bond from tubing to tool joint that is available, CNC machining crafts the tool joints, and the heat treating process maximizes durability, strength, and wear life. The pipe is available in flush joint, upset joint, and upset tube designs.

Upset tube designs are available in internal upset (IU), external upset (EU), and internal external upset (IEU).

The water well pipe comes in all grades; Grade “D”, “E”, “X”, “G”, “S”, and the tool joints are manufactured to API standards.

Break-out flats and/or break-out lugs are offered in many different configurations, from OEM to custom design.

API Drill Pipe Range

Pipe ODWall ThicknessLengthsThreads
2 3/8"0.19"2'-30'2IF
0.254"2 3/8 Mayhew Junior
0.28"2 3/8 Mayhew Regular
2 3/8IF
2 7/8"0.217"2'-30'NWJ
0.276"2 3/8 Mayhew Junior
0.362"2 3/8 Mayhew Regular
2 3/8IF
2 7/8IF
3"0.156"2'-30'2 3/8 Mayhew Junior
0.188"2 3/8 FEDP
0.25"2 3/8 API Regular
3 1/2"0.219"2'-30'2 3/8 API Regular
0.25"2 7/8 API Regular
0.368"2 3/8IF
4"0.226"2'-45'2 7/8 Reg
0.262"2 7/8IF
0.33"3 1/2 Regular
4 1/2"0.25"2'-45'2 7/8IF
0.29"3 1/2 Regular
0.337"3 1/2IF
0.43"4 1/2 XH
4 1/2IF
4 3/4"0.375"2'-20'3 1/2IF
5"0.362"2'-45'3 1/2 Regular
0.476"3 1/2IF
5 1/2"0.361"2'-45'3 1/2IF
4 1/2 Regular
6"0.25"2'-20'4 1/2 Reg
6 5/8"0.288"2'-45'4 1/2IF
0.352"8 FF
7"0.362"2'-45'4 1/2IF
0.417"8 1/2FF
7 5/8"0.375"2'-45'5 1/2 FH
0.5"8 1/2FF

Rotary Connections

Thread ProfilesRecommended ODRecommended ID
2 IF2.375"1.000″
2 3/8 Mayhew Junior2.750"1.500″
2 3/8 FEDP3.000"1.500″
2 3/8 API Regular3.000″1.000″
2 3/8 Mayhew Regular3.250″1.625″
2 3/8 IF3.375″1.750″
2 3/8 American Open Hole3.500″1.813″
2 3/8 AOH Mod3.500″2.063″
2 7/8 API Regular3.500″1.250″
2 7/8 FEDP3.750″1.750″
2 7/8 Mayhew Full Hole3.875″1.875″
2 7/8 IF4.125″2.125″
3 1/2 API Regular4.250″1.750″
3 1/2 Full Hole4.625″2.438″
3 1/2 IF4.750″2.688″
3 1/2 XH4.750″2.438″
4 Full Hole5.250″2.813″
4 IF5.750″3.250″
4 1/2 API Regular5.500″2.250″
4 1/2 IF6.126″3.750″
6 5/8 API Regular7.750″3.500″
5 1/2 IF7.375″4.813″
6 5/8 Full Hole8.000″5.000″
8 1/2 Full Flow8.500″5.500″
7 5/8 API Regular8.875″4.000″
8 5/8 API Regular10.000″4.750″

Mid Body Steel Alternatives

GradeMin YieldMin Tensile
D-6565,000 PSI95,000 PSI
E-7575,000 PSI100,000 PSI
X-9595,000 PSI105,000 PSI
G-105105,000 PSI115,000 PSI
S-135135,000 PSI145,000 PSI
Internal Upset
Internal Upset

Internal Upset Drill Pipe

Pipe Size: OutsideNominalWall ThicknessInside DiameterPlain EndUpsetOutside DiameterInside Diameter End of PipeLength of Internal UpsetLength of Internal TaperLength of External UpsetLength of External TaperLength End of Pipe to Taper Fadeout
+1/8" -1/32"+- 1/16"+1 1/2" - 1/2"min.min.min. max.max.
DtdWpeewDoudouLiuMiuLeuMeuLeu + Meu
2.875"10.4 Lb/Ft0.362"2.151"9.72 Lb/Ft3.2 Lb2.875"1.3125"1.75"1.5"
3.5"9.5 Lb/Ft0.254"2.992"8.81 Lb/Ft4.4 Lb3.5"2.25"1.75"
3.5"13.3 Lb/Ft0.368"2.764"12.31 Lb/Ft4.4 Lb3.5"1.9375"1.75"1.5"
3.5"15.5 Lb/Ft0.449"2.602"14.63 Lb/Ft3.4 Lb3.5"1.9375"1.75"1.5"
4"11.85 Lb/Ft0.262"3.476"10.46 Lb/Ft4.2 Lb4"2.9375"1.75"
4"14 Lb/Ft0.33"3.34"12.93 Lb/Ft4.6 Lb4"2.75"1.75"2"
4.5"13.75 Lb/Ft0.271"3.958"12.24 Lb/Ft5.2 Lb4.5"3.375"1.75"
16.25 Lb/Ft0.296"4.408"14.87 Lb/Ft6.6 Lb5"3.75"1.75"
External Upset
External Upset

External Upset Drill Pipe

Pipe Size: OutsideNominalWall ThicknessInside DiameterPlain EndUpsetOutside DiameterInside Diameter End of PipeLength of Internal UpsetLength of Internal TaperLength of External UpsetLength of External TaperLength End of Pipe to Taper Fadeout
+1/8" -1/32"+- 1/16"+1 1/2" - 1/2"min.min.min. max.max.
DtdWpeewDoudouLiuMiuLeuMeuLeu + Meu
2.375"6.65 Lb/Ft0.28"1.815"6.26 Lb/Ft1.8 Lb2.656"1.815"1.5"1.5"4"
2.875"10.4 Lb/Ft0.362"2.151"9.72 Lb/Ft2.4 Lb3.219"2.151"1.5"1.5"4"
3.5"9.5 Lb/Ft0.254"2.992"8.81 Lb/Ft2.6 Lb3.824"2.992"1.5"1.5"4"
3.5"13.3 Lb/Ft0.368"2.764"12.31 Lb/Ft4 Lb3.824"2.602"2.25"2"1.5"1.5"4"
3.5"15.5 Lb/Ft0.449"2.602"14.63 Lb/Ft2.8 Lb3.824"2.602"1.5"1.5"4"
4"11.85 Lb/Ft0.262"3.476"10.46 Lb/Ft5 Lb4.5"3.476"1.5"1.5"4"
4"14 Lb/Ft0.33"3.34"12.93 Lb/Ft5 Lb4.5"3.34"1.5"1.5"4"
4.5"13.75 Lb/Ft0.271"3.958"12.21 Lb/Ft5.6 Lb5"3.958"1.5"1.5"4"
4.5"16.6 Lb/Ft0.337"3.826"14.98 Lb/Ft5 Lb5"3.826"1.5"1.5"4"
4.5"20 Lb/Ft0.43"3.64"18.69 Lb/Ft5.6 Lb5"3.64"1.5"1.5"4"
Internal-External Upset
Internal-External Upset

Internal-External Upset Drill Pipe

Pipe Size: OutsideNominalWall ThicknessInside DiameterPlain EndUpsetOutside DiameterInside Diameter End of PipeLength of Internal UpsetLength of Internal TaperLength of External UpsetLength of External TaperLength End of Pipe to Taper Fadeout
+1/8" -1/32"+- 1/16"+1 1/2" - 1/2"min.min.min. max.max.
DtdWpeewDoudouLiuMiuLeuMeuLeu + Meu
4.5"16.6 Lb/Ft0.337"3.826"14.98 Lb/Ft8.1 Lb4.656"3.15625"2.5"1.5"1 - 1 1/2"
4.5"20 Lb/Ft0.43"3.64"18.69 Lb/Ft8.6 Lb4.781"3"2.25"2"1.5"1 - 1 1/2"
5"19.5 Lb/Ft0.362"4.276"17.93 Lb/Ft8.6 Lb5.188"3.6875"2.25"2"1.5"1 - 1 1/2"
5"25.6 Lb/Ft0.5"4"24.03 Lb/Ft7.8 Lb5.188"3.4375"2.25"2"1.5"1 - 1 1/2"
5.5"21.9 Lb/Ft0.361"4.778"19.81 Lb/Ft10.6 Lb5.563"4"2.25"2"1.5"1 - 1 1/2"
5.5"24.7 Lb/Ft0.415"4.67"22.54 Lb/Ft9 Lb5.563"4"2.25"2"1.5"1 - 1 1/2"

Yield and Tensile

GradeMin YieldMin Tensile
E-7575,000 PSI100,000 PSI
x-9595,000 PSI105,000 PSI
G-105105,000 PSI115,000 PSI
S-135135,000 PSI145,000 PSI
Flush OD break out flats box end
Flush OD break out flats box end
Elevator shoulders box end with break out flats
Elevator shoulders box end with break out flats
Break out flats box end
Break out flats box end
Break out flats pin and box end
Break out flats pin and box end

Construction Drill Pipe

API Drill Pipe ODPipe WallPipe LengthThreadsTool Joint IDWeight/FtFlats PinFlats Box
2 3/8".190 wall1M, 1.5M, 5', 2M, 3M, 10'2IF1"5.5#44
.254 wall7#
.280 wall8#
2 7/8".217 wall1M, 1.5M, 5', 2M, 3M, 10'2 3/8 M JR1 1/2"8#44
.276 wall9#
.362 wall11#
3".156 wall1M, 1.5M, 5', 2M, 3M, 10'2 3/8 REG1"7#44
.188 wall8#
.250 wall9#
.375 wall12#
3 1/2".219 wall1M, 1.5M, 5', 2M, 3M, 10'2 3/8 REG1"9#44
.250 wall10#
.368 wall14#
4".262 wall1M, 1.5M, 5', 2M, 3M, 10'3 1/2 REG1 3/4"13#22
.330 wall15#
4 1/2".250 wall1M, 1.5M, 5', 2M, 3M, 10'3 1/2 REG1 3/4"14#22
.337 wall18#
5".296 wall1M, 1.5M, 5', 2M, 3M, 10'3 1/2 REG1 3/4"18#22
.362 wall20#
5 1/2".361 wall1M, 1.5M, 5', 2M, 3M, 10'4 1/2 REG2 1/4"22#22
6 5/8".352 wall1M, 1.5M, 5', 2M, 3M, 10'4 1/2 REG2 1/4"27#22
7".362 wall1M, 1.5M, 5', 2M, 3M, 10'6 5/8 REG3 1/2"29#22
7 5/8".375 wall1M, 1.5M, 5', 2M, 3M, 10'6 5/8 REG3 1/2"34#22
3 1/2″ x 2 3/8″ API Regular Drill Pipe
3 1/2″ x 2 3/8″ API Regular Drill Pipe
5 1/2″ x 4 1/2″ API Regular Drill Pipe
5 1/2″ x 4 1/2″ API Regular Drill Pipe
Canned Shrouded Drill Pipe
Canned Shrouded Drill Pipe
Canned Shrouded Drill Pipe Cutaway
Canned Shrouded Drill Pipe Cutaway
ITH Drill Pipe 5″ OD x 6′ x #28 PxB
ITH Drill Pipe 5″ OD x 6′ x #28 PxB

ITH Drill Pipe

DescriptionWallThreadFlat InchesWeight
3" x 72 inch Splined Cubex wr/sq PxB0.25Cubex 192.555 lbs
3 1/2" x 48 inch Splined Cubex wr/sq PxB0.25Cubex 212.548 lbs
3 1/2" x 60 inch Splined Cubex wr/sq PxB0.25Cubex 212.554 lbs
3 1/2" x 66 inch Splined Cubex wr/sq PxB0.25Cubex 212.558 lbs
3 1/2" x 72 inch Splined Cubex wr/sq PxB0.25Cubex 212.564 lbs
3 1/2" x 48 inch Splined Cubex wr/sq PxB0.25Cubex 24348 lbs
3 1/2" x 60 inch Splined Cubex wr/sq PxB0.25Cubex 24354 lbs
3 1/2" x 66 inch Splined Cubex wr/sq PxB0.25Cubex 24358 lbs
3 1/2" x 72 inch Splined Cubex wr/sq PxB0.25Cubex 24364 lbs
4 1/2 x 48 S/S # 28 Cubex PxB0.25Cubex 283.7466 lbs
4 1/2 x 60 S/S # 28 Cubex PxB0.25Cubex 283.7477 lbs
4 1/2 x 72 S/S # 28 Cubex PxB0.25Cubex 283.7499 lbs
5" 60 S/S PxB Cubex wr/sq0.25Cubex 283.7484 lbs
5" 72 S/S PxB Cubex wr/sq0.25Cubex 283.74103.5 lbs
5" 72 S/S PxB Cubex wr/sq0.25Cubex 283.74110 lbs
Inertia Welded “WJ” Drill Rod
Inertia Welded “WJ” Drill Rod

W and WJ Drill Rod

ThreadPipe ODJT/Coupling IDWallLengthPackagingWeight
AW1.750".360"0.188"1M19 pc Bundles w/ Steel End Caps4.8#/ft
BW2.125".750"0.188"1M19 pc Bundles w/ Steel End Caps5.7#/ft
NW2.625"1.380"0.188"1M19 pc Bundles w/ Steel End Caps6.3#/ft
HW3.500"2.380"0.25"1M19 pc Bundles w/ Steel End Caps9.7#/ft
AWJ1.750".630"0.188"1M19 pc Bundles w/ Steel End Caps4.8#/ft
BWJ2.125".750"0.188"1M19 pc Bundles w/ Steel End Caps5.7#/ft
NWJ2.625"1.125"0.188"1M19 pc Bundles w/ Steel End Caps6.3#/ft
HWJ3.500"1.750"0.25"1M19 pc Bundles w/ Steel End Caps9.7#/ft
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