Reverse Circulation Hammers and Bits


Product Details

Missile LX Series Reverse Circulation (RC) Hammers
Missile LX Series RC Hammers

RC Hammers

The Missile LX Series of Reverse Circulation (RC) Hammer is used on a wide range of drilling rigs in various geological formations. They are preferred by on-site geologists for their high percentage of uncontaminated sampling; their fast penetration rates; and their trouble-free, low-cost, and long life performance. The pride of workmanship and outstanding engineering make these hammers a superior value and offer excellent dependability, service, and support.

These hammers are manufactured to exact tolerances and built to last. They provide great service and support, are cost-efficient, and provide maximum material recovery. The Reverse Circulation (RC) hammers have carburized pistons and durable, keyed locking shrouds that keep the samples from getting contaminated .  The hammers don’t lose performance even when water, foam, oil, and/or polymers are injected and delivers maximum drilling performance under water.  Additional air lift tubes can be supplied as well as back reaming subs as needed.

RC 400

4 5/8″ | 4 3/4″ | 4 7/8″ | 5″ | 5 1/8″ | 5 1/4″

RC400 Reverse Circulation (RC) Hammer Breakdown
RC400 Component Parts
No.DescriptionPart No.
1Back Head415020
2NRV SealR400019
4NRV SpringR400017
5Make Up Steel415016
6Make Up Rubber415015
7NRV Housing415014
8Sample Tube TopR400012
10Sample Tube BottomR400013
11Air Distributor Inner O-ring-
12Air Distributor415011
13Air Distributor Outer O-ring (2)-
15Inner Sleeve Cylinder415008
16Bit Bearing Bushing415007
17Wear Sleeve415006
18Bit Retaining Ring O-ring-
19Bit Retaining Ring415004
204 5/8" Locking Shroud458400SHROUD
204 3/4" Locking Shroud434400SHROUD
204 7/8" Locking Shroud478400SHROUD
205" Locking Shroud5400SHROUD
205 1/8" Locking Shroud518400SHROUD
205 1/4" Locking Shroud514400SHROUD
20Shroud Locking Key (2)R400003
21Chuck w/Lock415001
-O-Ring Kit415005
Length (w/o drill bit)46.647"
Outside Diameter4.449"
Weight (w/o bit)134.1 lbs.
Cylinder Bore3.518"
Piston O.D.3.514"
Piston Stroke3.346"
Piston Weight22.52 lbs.
Hole Sizes4 5/8" - 5 1/8"
Air Pressure Consumption150 psi - 350 psi
Wrench SizeA/F 3.496"
ConnectionStd. 3 1/2" Remet
RC 400 Brochure Cover
View RC400 Brochure

RC 475

5 1/8″ | 5 1/4″ | 5 3/8″ | 5 1/2″ | 5 3/4″ | 6″

RC475 Reverse Circulation (RC) Hammer Breakdown
RC475 Component Parts
No.DescriptionPart No.
1Back Head475020
2NRV SealR400019
4NRV SpringR400017
5Make Up Steel475016
6Make Up Rubber475015
7NRV Housing475014
8Sample Tube TopR400012
10Sample Tube BottomR400013
11Air Distributor Inner O-ring-
12Air Distributor475011
13Air Distributor Outer O-ring (2)-
15Inner Sleeve Cylinder475008
16Bit Bearing Bushing475007
17Wear Sleeve475006
18Bit Retaining Ring O-ring-
19Bit Retaining Ring475004
205 1/2" Locking Shroud512475SHROUD
205 1/4" Locking Shroud514475SHROUD
205 1/8" Locking Shroud518475SHROUD
205 3/8" Locking Shroud538475SHROUD
205 3/4" Locking Shroud534475SHROUD
206" Locking Shroud6475SHROUD
20Shroud Locking Key (2)R400003
21Chuck w/Lock475001
-O-Ring Kit475005
Length (w/o drill bit)45.622"
Outside Diameter4.748"
Weight (w/o bit)143.44 lbs.
Cylinder Bore3.775"
Piston O.D.3.769"
Piston Stroke3.346"
Piston Weight27.2 lbs.
Hole Sizes5 1/8" - 5 3/4"
Air Pressure Consumption150 psi - 350 psi
Wrench SizeA/F 3.496"
ConnectionStd. 4 1/2" Remet
RC 475 brochure cover
View RC475 Brochure

Missile LX RC Hammer Breakdown

RC Bits

We carry a large inventory of RC bits for convenient and quick delivery. Standard bits come with higher grade carbides for longer, harder drilling performance.  Diamond buttons are available by special order on all bits. Economize the diamond button cost even more by reclaiming the used diamonds (if in good shape) and have them reinserted in to a new bit body.   Please contact us for additional details.

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