Xs Drilling SystemXs Overburden Systems

Xs Overburden Drill Systems – This new patented overburden casing system is becoming popular amongst users of both ring bit and eccentric drilling equipment. It is the Easiest and Fastest way to drill and case a hole at the same time in difficult overburden soil. We are offering different systems, depending on if the casing is left in the ground or if it needs to be retrieved, and the depth of the hole and different other variables.
With a variety of casing shoe designs it is adaptable to all casing needs; however, the Xs Drill™ system is found to be particularly useful in deep overburden where rocks and boulders are a problem.
The Xs Drill™ system is simple in operation and has many advantages over conventional techniques: The same large DTH hammer is used for setting and for sub-drilling. For example, when setting 6 5/8″ O.D. casing, a full size 6″ hammer can be used. The use of a 6″ hammer offers advantages over using the conventional 5″ hammer, adding more blow energy and greater flushing air at depth. These advantages result in faster drilling and greater depth capability.
When the casing has been set, the same 6″ hammer and special 6″ diameter drill bit (Square bit™) can be passed through the casing crown to continue drilling a 6″ diameter hole to the desired sub-casing depth.

Robit Drilling SystemRobit Systems

Robit Systems – Since 1985 Robit has been in the front line of drilling business providing high quality drilling tools for mines, quarries and construction sites around the world. Having its roots in Finnish mining industry Robit masters the knowledge of drilling in the most challenging rock types. Still it drives to utilize the experience of the end users to develop even better products with best materials and high precision manufacturing process. Widespread global dealer network guarantees that even the smallest countries receive best customer service available. More holes – more value for the customer has always been the driving force of Robit Rocktools Ltd – the company with faces.

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