We supply a variety of high quality drag bits for rotary drilling in soft formations.  Choose from different wing configurations and cutting edges.

Including chevron-style , step-style, three-wing, four-wing, regular and heavy step, replaceable blade system, weld on wing drag bits, and hole openers.

For use in various industries; Water Well, Geo Exchange, Environmental, Mining, Exploration, etc.

Product Specifications

Drag bit group
  • Select tungsten carbide inserts 3/16″ thick are standard
  • Carbide inserts are individually hand soldered using nickel silver rod
  • Bits fabricated are welded with high tensile strength 7018 rod
  • Drag bits are welded solid at the nose for durability
  • blades originate from 4140 heat-treated tool steel forgings
  • Forgings are milled to better seat the carbide inserts
  • Relief is hand ground behind carbide inserts for maximum performance
  • Bits can be built to the gauge tolerances required

Chevron-Type Drag Bits

Drag Bits - Chevron style

Chevron-type drag bits are recommended for drilling in slightly harder and more consolidated materials than step-type drag bits, such as hard shales, limestones, and unconsolidated gravels.

BitsStock SizesAvailable Stock Threads
Three-Wing and Four-Wing Chevron3 7/8" - 26"2 3/8", 2 7/8", 3 1/2", 4 1/2", 6 5/8" API regular pin
Three-Wing and Four-Wing Chevron Kelly Bit3 7/8" - 26"MHJR, MHR, FEDP, IF

Step-Type Drag Bits

Drag Bits - Step styleStep-type drag bits come in a variety of wing counts, steps, and sizes to accommodate drilling in a variety of formations, from sand and clay to shale, limestone, gravel, and more.
Three-Wing and Four-Wing – Three-wing bits tend to drill faster, whereas four-wing bits are longer lasting, more durable, and drill a straighter hole.
Regular Step and Heavy Step – Regular Step bits develop smaller cuttings, whereas Heavy Step bits are more durable and are used in harder formations. Heavy Step bits have longer and wider steps and contain larger carbide for cutting. The quantity of steps is largely determined by the size of bit.

BitsStock SizesAvailable Stock Threads
Three-Wing and Four-Wing Regular Step3 7/8" - 26"2 3/8", 2 7/8", 3 1/2", 4 1/2", 6 5/8" API regular pin
Three-Wing and Four-Wing Heavy Step5 1/2" - 26"2 3/8", 2 7/8", 3 1/2", 4 1/2", 6 5/8" API regular pin
Three-Wing and Four-Wing Regular Step Kelly Bit5" - 26"MHJR, MHR, FEDP, IF
Three-Wing and Four-Wing Heavy Step Kelly Bit5 1/2" - 26"MHJR, MHR, FEDP, IF

Replaceable Blade Drag Bit System

Drag Bits - Replaceable style

A replaceable blade drag bit system is the most cost-effective and versatile bit available.
Cost Effectiveness – The blade system allows you to replace a single blade when it is worn or damaged versus replacing the whole bit. Purchase multiple sets of blade types and sizes for much less than the cost of unitized bits. Keep a variety of blades on hand to ensure your time onsite is the most efficient.
Versatility – From 3 7/8″ three-step bits to 6 1/4″ four-step bits to the various sized chevron bits, this replaceable blade system offers versatility to meet your many different drilling needs.

Head and Ring AssemblyThree-Wing, Four-Wing
Blade Adapter SubMHJR, MHR, FEDP, IF
Replacement PartsStock Sizes
Chevron blade
3 7/8" - 6 1/4"
Step-Type blade3 7/8" - 6 1/4"
Drag Bits - Replaceable style

Weld On Wing

Drag Bits - Weld on blade

High quality carbide-tipped wings that weld onto your pipe or threads are cost effective and versatile.

  • Save on shipping charges by ordering wings instead of the whole bit
  • Any size
  • Any cutting structure.

Auger Bit

Drag Bits - Auger Style

BitStock SizesThread
Two-Step Auger Bit3 5/8" - 4"2" HDFA Box

Hole Opener

Drag Bits - Hole opener

These hole openers meet a variety of needs, from expanding test holes in water wells to drilling holes for pylons.

  • Any thread
  • Any size
  • Any length
  • Many numbers of wings
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