Rockbit “Weight on Bit” and “RPM” Operating Suggestions

The table below gives you the suggested pulldown force for drilling with different size rotary bits.

6 3/4″ to 9″ assumes a 4-1/2″ API Regular Pin Connection

9 7/8″ to 17 1/2″ assumes a 6-5/8″ API Regular Pin or BECO Connection

IADC Class1-1 to 1-42-1 to 2-43-1 to 3-44-1 to 4-45-1 to 5-46-1 to 6-47-1 to 7-48-1 to 8-4
RPM70 to 12060 to 10060 to 8050 to 15050 to 15050 to 12050 to 9040 to 80
6 3/4" Bit20,25033,75047,25033,75043,87547,25054,00060,750
7 7/8" Bit23,62539,37555,12539,37551,18855,12563,00070,875
8" Bit24,00040,00056,00040,00052,00056,00064,00072,000
8 1/2" Bit25,50042,50059,50042,50055,25059,50068,00076,500
9" Bit27,00045,00063,00045,00058,50063,00072,00081,000
9 7/8" Bit29,62549,37569,12549,37564,18869,12579,00088,875
10 5/8" Bit31,87553,12574,37553,12569,06374,37585,00095,625
11" Bit33,00055,00077,00055,00071,50077,00088,00099,000
11 1/2" Bit34,26057,10079,94057,10074,23079,94091,360102,780
12 1/4" Bit36,75061,25085,75061,25079,62585,75098,000110,250
13 3/4" Bit41,25068,75096,25068,75089,37596,250110,000123,750
15" Bit45,00075,000105,00075,00097,500105,000120,000135,000
16" Bit48,00080,000112,00080,000104,000112,000128,000144,000
17 1/2" Bit52,50087,500122,50087,500113,750122,500140,000157,500
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