With an Xs Overburden Drilling System you can drill and case a hole at the same time in difficult overburden soil increasing your productivity and profits.

  • Xs S System The Xs S overburden system is the easiest and fastest way to drill and case a hole at the same time in difficult overburden soil.
  • Xs F System The Xs F (Floating) overburden system is especially designed for piling, micropiling, anchor installation, and other civil engineering applications.
  • Xs T System The Xs T (thick) overburden system can be used with any size casing, but is predominantly designed for thick wall casing.
  • Xs T V2.0 System The Xs T V2.0 (thick) overburden system can be used with any size casing, but is predominantly designed for thick wall casing.
  • Xs GT System The Xs GT system is predominantly designed for piling, micropiling, anchor installation, and other civil engineering applications where casing is left in the hole.
  • Xs FP/FPH System The Xs FP/FPH system is predominantly designed for Umbrella, Drainage, and Injection Applications.
  • Xs RU System The Xs RU (retrievable/reusable) overburden system is used with any size casing that needs to be retrieved from the ground.
  • Xs GTE System The Xs GTE system is especially designed for piling, micro piling, anchor installation and other civil engineering applications.
  • Xs W System The Xs W system is especially designed to drill in soft to medium-soft ground conditions.

Xs S System

This new patented overburden casing system is becoming popular amongst users of both ring bit and eccentric drilling equipment. It is the Easiest and Fastest way to drill and case a hole at the same time in difficult overburden soil. We are offering different systems, depending on if the casing is left in the ground or if it needs to be retrieved, and the depth of the hole and different other variables.With a variety of casing shoe designs it is adaptable to all casing needs; however, the Xs S Drill™ system is found to be particularly useful in deep overburden where rocks and boulders are a problem.Xs SystemThe Xs S Drill™ system is simple in operation and has many advantages over conventional techniques: The same large DTH hammer is used for setting and for sub-drilling. For example, when setting 6 5/8″ O.D. casing, a full size 6″ hammer can be used. The use of a 6″ hammer offers advantages over using the conventional 5″ hammer, adding more blow energy and greater flushing air at depth. These advantages result in faster drilling and greater depth capability.When the casing has been set, the same 6″ hammer and special 6″ diameter drill bit (Square bit™) can be passed through the casing crown to continue drilling a 6″ diameter hole to the desired sub-casing depth.
Description: The Xs S (standard) overburden system is used with any size casing and is especially useful with thin wall casing. The life of this system is extended due to its geometry and the crown has an internal shoulder (donut) to transfer impact from the driver to the top of the crown, which provides the necessary force to drill and drive down casing. The crown has a socket that fits over the casing for better welding alignment. This design can be used with large DTH hammers. When working with heavy wall casing we recommend the use of the Xs T drill, which is made especially to give maximum clearance for sub-casing drilling.
Advantages Over:

Advantages over Eccentric System

Straighter Holes: Because this ring bit system doesn’t use any eccentric parts, it will drill in any overburden with almost no deviation. The driver bit also has a pilot portion that drills 3″ to 5″ before the crown bit, allowing it to keep the casing very straight. If you try to drill on the side of a boulder with an eccentric system, the reamer will kick you out of your trajectory. Better Rate of Penetration: There are two (2) distinct advantages when drilling with the Xs drill system:
  • Concentric: On the crown bit there are carbide buttons all around the periphery of the hole, as opposed to approximately one third (1/3) on an eccentric system. That means for each turn you do with a ring bit you have in fact drilled a deeper portion of that hole.
  • Hammer: If you have a lot of bounders or if you need to drill in fractured rock, the Xs is the only system offering the advantage of using a larger hammer to drill with the crown. The penetration rate in rocks will be almost the same as if you are drilling with a conventional oversized bit.
Smooth Drilling: Compared to an eccentric method, drilling with the full face Xs drill system will be an unbelievable experience. Working with an eccentric system is very hard on every piece of equipment due to excessive torque applied by the reamer on the driver device, hammer, drill rods, rotation head, and mast. Wear on Gage Carbide Button: The wear on the carbide buttons on an eccentric system (on the pilot and especially on the reamer part) will occur very fast, especially in abrasive rock or harder ground. On the Xs drill system there are double the quantity of carbides on the gage row that are actually needed to give extended life. Components: Eccentric systems consist of a lot of different components, all necessary for its operation. Usually there is a pilot bit, a reamer bit, a driver, steel balls, set screws, pins, spring pins, etc. If you are using a wing-type system, a driver device, two, three, or four wings, pins, screws, spring pins, etc., all of those parts are very costly, and this can cause you a lot of time on the job site. With the Xs drill system there is a driver with a crown already assembled and ready to drill. That’s it! Toughness of Parts: In those eccentric and/or wing bit systems every component is very fragile, and as soon as you have a little bit of wear in the overall system those parts are inclined to break without notice and leave you again with down time. Direct Energy Transfer: With the Xs drill system, the energy given by the hammer is transferred directly and entirely to the drilling part of the crown bit and not to the driving shoe. Easier to Weld: The crown bit is composed of two (2) assembled swivel parts. The lower rotating part, which has carbide buttons to drill, receives the impact and rotation from the hammer. The upper part is welded to the casing, doesn’t receive any percussion directly from the hammer, and is pulled down with the casing through a swivel joint. The impact of the joint is minimized because the drilling action of the rotating crown portion has absorbed most of it, leaving however enough energy to pull down the casing. Less Maintenance: In almost any other system there is a lot of maintenance to do on the most expensive part, which is the driver device. The driving shoe is fixed to the casing and the driver rotates and impacts on the upper shoe, causing rapid wear to appear on the driver, which needs to be repaired or replaced. On the Xs drill system that grinding effect is transferred to the swivel joint between the upper and lower part of the crown, which is left in the hole 90% of the time.

Advantages Over Other Ring Bit Systems

Straighter Holes: The Xs drill system will drill in most overburden with almost no deviation. The driver bit has a pilot portion that drills 3″ to 5″ before the crown bit, allowing it to keep the pipe very straight. Better Rate of Penetration: One advantage of drilling with the Xs drill system is the size of the DTH hammer used. If you have a lot of boulders or if you need to drill in fractured rock, the Xs is the only system offering the possibility to use a larger hammer to drill with the crown. The penetration rate in rocks will be almost the same as if you are drilling with a conventional oversized bit. Easier to Weld: The crown bit is composed of two (2) assembled swivel parts. The lower rotating part, which has carbide buttons to drill, receives the impact and rotation from the hammer. The upper part is welded to the casing, doesn’t receive any percussion directly from the hammer, and is pulled down with the casing through a swivel joint. The impact of the joint is minimized because the drilling action of the rotating crown portion has absorbed most of it, leaving however enough energy to pull down the casing. Less Maintenance: In almost any other system there is a lot of maintenance to do on the most expensive part, which is the driver device. The driving shoe is fixed to the casing and the driver rotates and impacts on the upper shoe, causing rapid wear to appear on the driver, which needs to be repaired or replaced. On the Xs drill system that grinding effect is transferred to the swivel joint between the upper and lower part of the crown, which is left in the hole 90% of the time.

Advantages Over Wing Bit System

Straighter Holes: Because this ring bit system has a contiguous surface (full face) compared to the large empty portion between wings, it will drill in any overburden with almost no deviation. The driver bit also has a pilot portion that drills 3″ to 5″ before the crown bit, allowing it to keep the casing very straight. If you try to drill on the side of the boulder with an eccentric system, the reamer will kick you out of your trajectory. Better Rate of Penetration: There are two (2) distinct advantages when drilling with the Xs drill system:
  • Concentric: On the crown bit there are carbide buttons all around the periphery of the hole, as opposed to approximately one third (1/3) on an eccentric system. That means for each turn you do with a ring bit you have in fact drilled a deeper portion of that hole.
  • Hammer: If you have a lot of bounders or if you need to drill in fractured rock, the Xs is the only system offering the advantage of using a larger hammer to drill with the crown. The penetration rate in rocks will be almost the same as if you are drilling with a conventional oversized bit.
Smooth Drilling: Compared to the wing bit method, drilling with the full face Xs drill system will be an unbelievable experience. Working with a wing bit system is very hard on every piece of equipment due to excessive torque applied by the wings, on the driver device, hammer, drill rods, rotation head, and mast. Wear on Gage Carbide Buttons: The wear on the carbide buttons on a wing bit system (on the pilot and especially on the wing part) will occur very fast, especially in abrasive rock or harder ground. On the Xs drill system, there are double the quantity of carbides on the gage row that are actually needed to give an extended life. Components: Wing bit systems consist of a lot of different components, all necessary for its operation. Usually there is a driver device, two, three, or four wings, pins, screws, spring pins, etc. All of those parts are very costly, and this can cause you a lot of time on the job site. With the Xs drill system there is a driver with a crown, already assembled and ready to drill. That’s it! Toughness of Parts: In those wing bit systems every component is very fragile, and as soon as you have a little bit of wear in the overall system those parts are inclined to break without notice and leave you again with down time. Direct Energy Transfer: With the Xs drill system, the energy given by the hammer is transferred directly and entirely to the drilling part of the crown bit and not to the driving shoe. Easier to Weld: The crown bit is composed of two (2) assembled swivel parts. The lower rotating part, which has carbide buttons to drill, receives the impact and rotation from the hammer. The upper part is welded to the casing, doesn’t receive any percussion directly from the hammer, and is pulled down with the casing through a swivel joint. The impact of the joint is minimized because the drilling action of the rotating crown portion has absorbed most of it, leaving however enough energy to pull down the casing. Less Maintenance: In almost any other system there is a lot of maintenance to do on the most expensive part, which is the driver device. The driving shoe is fixed to the casing and the driver rotates and impacts on the upper shoe, causing rapid wear to appear on the driver, which needs to be repaired or replaced. On the Xs drill system that grinding effect is transferred to the swivel joint between the upper and lower part of the crown, which is left in the hole 90% of the time.


Xs S Components
  • Driver Bit: The driver bit is the device that transfers impact and rotation to the crown bit for drilling. The driver bit locks into two flats on the casing crown, and they act together as a standard drill bit; both the driver bit and the crown have tungsten carbide buttons. The Driver bit drills a pilot hole of 3″ below the crown to guide the direction of the casing in rough drilling. Afterwards this pilot space below the crown allows the square bit to turn without touching the crown.
  • Crown Bit: The crown bit is a two-piece unit permanently connected together. The upper part is welded to the casing and the lower part, which has Tungsten Carbide, is free to rotate with the driver bit.
  • Square Bit: The drill-through bit is specially shaped to pass through the crown’s flats and to drill the sub-casing hole to a maximum hole diameter, enabling in most cases the use of a larger diameter hammer than the competition.
  • Impact Zone: Direct energy from the hammer is transferred to the crown bit through two (2) recesses formed by the locking surface plus a projection all around the periphery of the driver (donut).
  • Evacuation: Two (2) big air holes are drilled in the face of the bit (drilling end). Those holes are directly connected to two (2) large flushing airways, placed at 160 degrees between each other; these flushing grooves transfer the drill debris from the drilling end of the driver up to the hammer zone. To help keep a good flow of debris, two (2) other smaller air holes in the flushing airways help give the cuttings some velocity.
This model also comes with a “rotational-crusher zone.” That protective zone is placed at the end of the flushing airways just under the hammer spline drive. This zone (patent pending) is to improve evacuation by preventing accumulation of rocks and gravel at a recess point. By turning the driver against a fixed casing, the rock is crushed into smaller particles and then evacuated through the casing.
SystemCasing O.D.Casing I.D.WallCrown O.D. (A)Crown (C)Square Bit O.D. (B)Hammer
Xs S 4.54.5"4.1"0.197"5.16"3.45"3.45"3"
Xs S 55"4.38"0.31"5.565"3.73"3.73"4"
Xs S 5.255.25"4.47"0.39"5.655"3.72"3.72"4"
Xs S 5.55.5"5.106"0.197"6.25"4.315"4.315"4"
Xs S 5.500-B5.5"4.72"0.39"5.91"4"4"4"
Xs S 5.500-C5.5"4.634"0.433"5.75"3.815"3.815"4"
Xs S 5.755.75"5.12"0.315"6.25"4.315"4.315"4"
Xs S 66"5.22"0.39"6.4"4.57"4.57"5"
Xs S 6.6256.625"6.25"0.188"7.5"5.5"5.5"6"
Xs S T 6.6256.625"6"0.312"7.5"5.5"5.5"6"
Xs S 77"6.45"0.275"7.7"5.7"5.7"6"
Xs S 7.6257.625"6.69"0.47"7.94"5.94"5.94"6"
Xs S 8.6258.625"8.25"0.188"9.5"7.5"7.5"6"
Xs S T 8.6258.625"8"0.312"9.5"7.5"7.5"8"
Xs S 1010"9.528"0.236"11.23"8.42"8.42"8"
Xs S 10.12510.125"9.49"0.315"11.19"8.38"8.38"8"
Xs S 10.510.5"9.5"0.5"11.19"8.38"8.38"8"
Xs S 10.7510.75"10"0.375"11.7"8.89"8.89"8"
Xs S 12.7512.75"11.75"0.5"13.25"10.19"10.19"8 / 10"
Xs S 1414"13"0.5"15"11.34"11.34"12"
Xs S 1616"15.25"0.375"17"13.44""13.44"12"
Xs S 16.516.5"15.32"0.59"17.22"13.66"13.66"12"
Xs S 1818"16.82"0.59"18.72"15.16"15.16"12"
Xs S 2020"19"0.5"21"15.94"15.94"12"
Xs S 2222"21"0.5"23"17.94"17.94"18"
Xs S 2424"23"0.5"25"19.69"19.69"18"
Xs S 2626"25"0.5"27"21.44"21.44"18"
Xs S 2828"27"0.5"29"23.44"23.44"18"
Xs S 3030"29"0.5"31"24.94"24.94"18"
Xs S 3232"31"0.5"33"26.94"26.94"18"
Xs S 3434"33"0.5"35"28.69"28.69"18"
Xs S 3636"35"0.5"37"30.44"30.44"18"



Step 1: Once the crown has been welded to casing, align the driver between the crown flats.



Step 2: Lower the driver and turn clockwise to lock the driver with the crown

step3Step 3: Drill through any formation. Direct energy is transferred to the crown by the driver. The driver, the lower part of the crown, and the drill string rotate together while the upper part of the crown and the casing do not rotate (welded together).

step4Step 4: Once the casing reaches the rock, turn counter clockwise and pull back the drill string. Install and drill through with the square bit for maximum hole diameter

Xs S System Video

Xs F System

Xs F System

  • For shallow blind holes
  •  Easy to retrieve the casing
  • Oversized crown for concrete injection
  • Fast and Economical

Description: The Xs F (Floating) overburden system is especially designed for piling, micropiling, anchor installation, and other civil engineering applications in shallow holes whether the casing is left in the hole or pulled. The Xs F can be used with any size of casing. The life of this system is much improved because of its geometry, which has two (2) internal shoulders (donut). One transfers impact to the drive shoe, giving the necessary force to drive down casing. The second transfers energy directly to the crown bit for drilling.

Advantages Over:

Advantages over Eccentric System

Straighter Holes: Because this ring bit system doesn’t use any eccentric parts, it will drill in any overburden with almost no deviation. The driver bit also has a pilot portion that drills 3″ to 5″ before the crown bit, allowing it to keep the casing very straight. If you try to drill on the side of a boulder with an eccentric system, the reamer will kick you out of your trajectory. Better Rate of Penetration: There are two (2) distinct advantages when drilling with the Xs drill system:
  • Concentric: On the crown bit there are carbide buttons all around the periphery of the hole, as opposed to approximately one third (1/3) on an eccentric system. That means for each turn you do with a ring bit you have in fact drilled a deeper portion of that hole.
  • Hammer: If you have a lot of bounders or if you need to drill in fractured rock, the Xs is the only system offering the advantage of using a larger hammer to drill with the crown. The penetration rate in rocks will be almost the same as if you are drilling with a conventional oversized bit.
Smooth Drilling: Compared to an eccentric method, drilling with the full face Xs drill system will be an unbelievable experience. Working with an eccentric system is very hard on every piece of equipment due to excessive torque applied by the reamer on the driver device, hammer, drill rods, rotation head, and mast. Wear on Gage Carbide Button: The wear on the carbide buttons on an eccentric system (on the pilot and especially on the reamer part) will occur very fast, especially in abrasive rock or harder ground. On the Xs drill system there are double the quantity of carbides on the gage row that are actually needed to give extended life. Components: Eccentric systems consist of a lot of different components, all necessary for its operation. Usually there is a pilot bit, a reamer bit, a driver, steel balls, set screws, pins, spring pins, etc. If you are using a wing-type system, a driver device, two, three, or four wings, pins, screws, spring pins, etc., all of those parts are very costly, and this can cause you a lot of time on the job site. With the Xs drill system there is a driver with a crown already assembled and ready to drill. That’s it! Toughness of Parts: In those eccentric and/or wing bit systems every component is very fragile, and as soon as you have a little bit of wear in the overall system those parts are inclined to break without notice and leave you again with down time. Direct Energy Transfer: With the Xs drill system, the energy given by the hammer is transferred directly and entirely to the drilling part of the crown bit and not to the driving shoe. Easier to Weld: The crown bit is composed of two (2) assembled swivel parts. The lower rotating part, which has carbide buttons to drill, receives the impact and rotation from the hammer. The upper part is welded to the casing, doesn’t receive any percussion directly from the hammer, and is pulled down with the casing through a swivel joint. The impact of the joint is minimized because the drilling action of the rotating crown portion has absorbed most of it, leaving however enough energy to pull down the casing. Less Maintenance: In almost any other system there is a lot of maintenance to do on the most expensive part, which is the driver device. The driving shoe is fixed to the casing and the driver rotates and impacts on the upper shoe, causing rapid wear to appear on the driver, which needs to be repaired or replaced. On the Xs drill system that grinding effect is transferred to the swivel joint between the upper and lower part of the crown, which is left in the hole 90% of the time.

Advantages Over Other Ring Bit Systems

Straighter Holes: The Xs drill system will drill in most overburden with almost no deviation. The driver bit has a pilot portion that drills 3″ to 5″ before the crown bit, allowing it to keep the pipe very straight. Better Rate of Penetration: One advantage of drilling with the Xs drill system is the size of the DTH hammer used. If you have a lot of boulders or if you need to drill in fractured rock, the Xs is the only system offering the possibility to use a larger hammer to drill with the crown. The penetration rate in rocks will be almost the same as if you are drilling with a conventional oversized bit. Easier to Weld: The crown bit is composed of two (2) assembled swivel parts. The lower rotating part, which has carbide buttons to drill, receives the impact and rotation from the hammer. The upper part is welded to the casing, doesn’t receive any percussion directly from the hammer, and is pulled down with the casing through a swivel joint. The impact of the joint is minimized because the drilling action of the rotating crown portion has absorbed most of it, leaving however enough energy to pull down the casing. Less Maintenance: In almost any other system there is a lot of maintenance to do on the most expensive part, which is the driver device. The driving shoe is fixed to the casing and the driver rotates and impacts on the upper shoe, causing rapid wear to appear on the driver, which needs to be repaired or replaced. On the Xs drill system that grinding effect is transferred to the swivel joint between the upper and lower part of the crown, which is left in the hole 90% of the time.

Advantages Over Wing Bit System

Straighter Holes: Because this ring bit system has a contiguous surface (full face) compared to the large empty portion between wings, it will drill in any overburden with almost no deviation. The driver bit also has a pilot portion that drills 3″ to 5″ before the crown bit, allowing it to keep the casing very straight. If you try to drill on the side of the boulder with an eccentric system, the reamer will kick you out of your trajectory. Better Rate of Penetration: There are two (2) distinct advantages when drilling with the Xs drill system:
  • Concentric: On the crown bit there are carbide buttons all around the periphery of the hole, as opposed to approximately one third (1/3) on an eccentric system. That means for each turn you do with a ring bit you have in fact drilled a deeper portion of that hole.
  • Hammer: If you have a lot of bounders or if you need to drill in fractured rock, the Xs is the only system offering the advantage of using a larger hammer to drill with the crown. The penetration rate in rocks will be almost the same as if you are drilling with a conventional oversized bit.
Smooth Drilling: Compared to the wing bit method, drilling with the full face Xs drill system will be an unbelievable experience. Working with a wing bit system is very hard on every piece of equipment due to excessive torque applied by the wings, on the driver device, hammer, drill rods, rotation head, and mast. Wear on Gage Carbide Buttons: The wear on the carbide buttons on a wing bit system (on the pilot and especially on the wing part) will occur very fast, especially in abrasive rock or harder ground. On the Xs drill system, there are double the quantity of carbides on the gage row that are actually needed to give an extended life. Components: Wing bit systems consist of a lot of different components, all necessary for its operation. Usually there is a driver device, two, three, or four wings, pins, screws, spring pins, etc. All of those parts are very costly, and this can cause you a lot of time on the job site. With the Xs drill system there is a driver with a crown, already assembled and ready to drill. That’s it! Toughness of Parts: In those wing bit systems every component is very fragile, and as soon as you have a little bit of wear in the overall system those parts are inclined to break without notice and leave you again with down time. Direct Energy Transfer: With the Xs drill system, the energy given by the hammer is transferred directly and entirely to the drilling part of the crown bit and not to the driving shoe. Easier to Weld: The crown bit is composed of two (2) assembled swivel parts. The lower rotating part, which has carbide buttons to drill, receives the impact and rotation from the hammer. The upper part is welded to the casing, doesn’t receive any percussion directly from the hammer, and is pulled down with the casing through a swivel joint. The impact of the joint is minimized because the drilling action of the rotating crown portion has absorbed most of it, leaving however enough energy to pull down the casing. Less Maintenance: In almost any other system there is a lot of maintenance to do on the most expensive part, which is the driver device. The driving shoe is fixed to the casing and the driver rotates and impacts on the upper shoe, causing rapid wear to appear on the driver, which needs to be repaired or replaced. On the Xs drill system that grinding effect is transferred to the swivel joint between the upper and lower part of the crown, which is left in the hole 90% of the time.


Xs F System
  •  This system has only 3 components: The driver bit, a welded ring, and a lost crown. As long as you keep turning in the same direction, the crown will stay in its locking grooves.
  • Driver Bit: The driver bit is the device that transfers impact and rotation to the crown bit for drilling. The driver bit locks into two flats on the casing crown, and they act together as a standard drill bit; both the driver bit and the crown have tungsten carbide buttons. The Driver bit drills a pilot hole of 3″ below the crown to guide the direction of the casing in rough drilling. Afterwards this pilot space below the crown allows the square bit to turn without touching the crown.
  • Ring Bit: The crown bit is a single unit with Tungsten carbide, held on the driver only by the locking surface.
  • Driving Shoe: The driving shoe is welded to the casing and receives the impact from the driver bit down the casing. The drive shoe is the same O.D. as the casing to allow for easy retrieval.
  • Square Bit: The drill-through bit is specially shaped to pass through the crown’s flats and to drill the sub-casing hole to a maximum hole diameter, enabling in most cases the use of a larger diameter hammer than the competition.
  • Easy to Unlock: By reversing the rotation the crown will automatically drop to the bottom of the hole.
  • Easy to Retrieve the Casing: If you have to retrieve the casing, this system is by far the best. Once the ring is dropped, nothing protrudes out of the casing. Minimal force is needed to pull back.
  • Re-Usable Weld Ring: If you retrieve the casing, you can re-use the welded ring.
  • Adaptable Drilling Diameter: If the casing needs to be grouted in the soil with a clearance, the manufacturer can make the crown of the Xs F system to the desired diameter.
  • Xs F System
  • Impact Zone: Direct energy from the hammer is transferred to the ring bit through two (2) recesses formed by the locking surface plus a projection all around the periphery of the driver (donut).
  • Evacuation: Two (2) big air holes are drilled in the face of the bit (drilling end). Those holes are directly connected to two (2) large flushing airways, placed at 160 degrees between each other; these flushing grooves transfer the drill debris from the drilling end of the driver up to the hammer zone. To help keep a good flow of debris, two (2) other smaller air holes in the flushing airways help give the cuttings some velocity.
SystemCasing ODMax. WallCrown OD (A)Crown ID (B)Crown A/F (C)Driver ODHammer Size
Xs F 4.0004.000"0.375"4.250"2.790"2.510"3.190"2"
Xs F 4.500-B4.500"0.250"4.875"3.550"3.200"3.950"3" / 3.5"
Xs F 4.500-E4.500"0.500"4.875"3.100"2.760"3.440"3" / 3.5"
Xs F 5.0005.000"0.250"5.500"4.030"3.550"4.420"4"
Xs F 5.250-C5.250"0.500"5.750"3.810"3.235"4.230"4"
Xs F 5.500-B5.500"0.375"5.750"4.260"3.750"4.690"4"
Xs F"6.000-C6.000"0.472"6.375"4.330"4.030"5.000"5"
Xs F"6.625-B6.625"0.272"7.000"5.450"5.050"6.030"5"
Xs F"6.625-E6.625"0.500"7.000"4.900"4.465"5.550"5"
Xs F 7.000-B7.000"0.276"7.250"5.900"5.350"6.395"5"
Xs F 7.000-C7.000"0.395"7.375"5.760"5.150"6.180"5"
Xs F 7.000-D7.000"0.500"7.250"5.550"4.940"5.950"5"
Xs F 7.625-D7.625"0.638"8.000"5.580"5.080"6.300"6"
Xs F 8.6258.625"0.500"9.000"7.150"6.540"7.570"6"
Xs F 9.625-B9.625"0.513"10.000"7.750"7.050"8.540"8"
Xs F 9.625-C9.625"0.563"10.000"7.500"6.800"8.450"8"
Xs F 10.75010.750"0.670"11.000"8.600"8.000"9.350"8"
Xs F 12.75012.750"0.375"13.000"11.080"10.300"11.930"10"
Xs F 12.750-B12.750"0.500"13.000"10.860"10.050"11.930"10"
Xs F 13.375-C13.375"0.513"13.625"11.480"10.650"11.690"10"
Xs F 14.00014.000"0.375"14.500"12.000"11.250"13.125"10" / 12"
Xs F 16.00016.000"0.500"16.500"13.500"12.500"14.900"12"
Xs F 18.00018.000"0.500"18.500"15.710"14.770"16.880"12" / 15"
Xs F 20.00020.000"0.625"20.500"17.220"16.060"18.630"15"
Xs F 22.00022.000"0.512"22.500"19.470"18.310"20.880"18"
Xs F 24.00024.000"0.375"24.500"21.720"20.560"23.130"18" / 20"
Xs F 26.00026.000"0.625"26.750"23.220"22.060"24.630"24"
Xs F 28.00028.000"0.625"28.750"25.220"24.060"26.630"24"
Xs F 30.00030.000"0.625"30.750"26.600"25.400"28.500"24"
Xs F 32.00032.000"0.625"32.750"28.600"27.400"30.500"24"
Xs F 36.00036.000"0.625"36.750"32.600"31.400"34.500"30"

Xs F System Video

Xs T System

Xs S System 
  • Complete drilling system (crown, driver, and square bit)
  • You can use a bigger hammer in bedrock
  • Choice of crown configurations

Description: The Xs T (thick) overburden system can be used with any size casing, but is predominantly designed for thick wall casing. The Xs T design has four (4) recessed portions to transfer impact directly from the driver to the crown, giving the necessary force to drill and drive down casing. The crown has a socket that fits over the casing for better welding alignment. This design allows the driller to be able to drill the same diameter in bedrock as the casing I.D. with our special square bit and allows the use of larger DTH hammers.

Advantages Over:

Advantages over Eccentric System

Straighter Holes: Because this ring bit system doesn’t use any eccentric parts, it will drill in any overburden with almost no deviation. The driver bit also has a pilot portion that drills 3″ to 5″ before the crown bit, allowing it to keep the casing very straight. If you try to drill on the side of a boulder with an eccentric system, the reamer will kick you out of your trajectory. Better Rate of Penetration: There are two (2) distinct advantages when drilling with the Xs drill system:
  • Concentric: On the crown bit there are carbide buttons all around the periphery of the hole, as opposed to approximately one third (1/3) on an eccentric system. That means for each turn you do with a ring bit you have in fact drilled a deeper portion of that hole.
  • Hammer: If you have a lot of bounders or if you need to drill in fractured rock, the Xs is the only system offering the advantage of using a larger hammer to drill with the crown. The penetration rate in rocks will be almost the same as if you are drilling with a conventional oversized bit.
Smooth Drilling: Compared to an eccentric method, drilling with the full face Xs drill system will be an unbelievable experience. Working with an eccentric system is very hard on every piece of equipment due to excessive torque applied by the reamer on the driver device, hammer, drill rods, rotation head, and mast. Wear on Gage Carbide Button: The wear on the carbide buttons on an eccentric system (on the pilot and especially on the reamer part) will occur very fast, especially in abrasive rock or harder ground. On the Xs drill system there are double the quantity of carbides on the gage row that are actually needed to give extended life. Components: Eccentric systems consist of a lot of different components, all necessary for its operation. Usually there is a pilot bit, a reamer bit, a driver, steel balls, set screws, pins, spring pins, etc. If you are using a wing-type system, a driver device, two, three, or four wings, pins, screws, spring pins, etc., all of those parts are very costly, and this can cause you a lot of time on the job site. With the Xs drill system there is a driver with a crown already assembled and ready to drill. That’s it! Toughness of Parts: In those eccentric and/or wing bit systems every component is very fragile, and as soon as you have a little bit of wear in the overall system those parts are inclined to break without notice and leave you again with down time. Direct Energy Transfer: With the Xs drill system, the energy given by the hammer is transferred directly and entirely to the drilling part of the crown bit and not to the driving shoe. Easier to Weld: The crown bit is composed of two (2) assembled swivel parts. The lower rotating part, which has carbide buttons to drill, receives the impact and rotation from the hammer. The upper part is welded to the casing, doesn’t receive any percussion directly from the hammer, and is pulled down with the casing through a swivel joint. The impact of the joint is minimized because the drilling action of the rotating crown portion has absorbed most of it, leaving however enough energy to pull down the casing. Less Maintenance: In almost any other system there is a lot of maintenance to do on the most expensive part, which is the driver device. The driving shoe is fixed to the casing and the driver rotates and impacts on the upper shoe, causing rapid wear to appear on the driver, which needs to be repaired or replaced. On the Xs drill system that grinding effect is transferred to the swivel joint between the upper and lower part of the crown, which is left in the hole 90% of the time.

Advantages Over Other Ring Bit Systems

Straighter Holes: The Xs drill system will drill in most overburden with almost no deviation. The driver bit has a pilot portion that drills 3″ to 5″ before the crown bit, allowing it to keep the pipe very straight. Better Rate of Penetration: One advantage of drilling with the Xs drill system is the size of the DTH hammer used. If you have a lot of boulders or if you need to drill in fractured rock, the Xs is the only system offering the possibility to use a larger hammer to drill with the crown. The penetration rate in rocks will be almost the same as if you are drilling with a conventional oversized bit. Easier to Weld: The crown bit is composed of two (2) assembled swivel parts. The lower rotating part, which has carbide buttons to drill, receives the impact and rotation from the hammer. The upper part is welded to the casing, doesn’t receive any percussion directly from the hammer, and is pulled down with the casing through a swivel joint. The impact of the joint is minimized because the drilling action of the rotating crown portion has absorbed most of it, leaving however enough energy to pull down the casing. Less Maintenance: In almost any other system there is a lot of maintenance to do on the most expensive part, which is the driver device. The driving shoe is fixed to the casing and the driver rotates and impacts on the upper shoe, causing rapid wear to appear on the driver, which needs to be repaired or replaced. On the Xs drill system that grinding effect is transferred to the swivel joint between the upper and lower part of the crown, which is left in the hole 90% of the time.

Advantages Over Wing Bit System

Straighter Holes: Because this ring bit system has a contiguous surface (full face) compared to the large empty portion between wings, it will drill in any overburden with almost no deviation. The driver bit also has a pilot portion that drills 3″ to 5″ before the crown bit, allowing it to keep the casing very straight. If you try to drill on the side of the boulder with an eccentric system, the reamer will kick you out of your trajectory. Better Rate of Penetration: There are two (2) distinct advantages when drilling with the Xs drill system:
  • Concentric: On the crown bit there are carbide buttons all around the periphery of the hole, as opposed to approximately one third (1/3) on an eccentric system. That means for each turn you do with a ring bit you have in fact drilled a deeper portion of that hole.
  • Hammer: If you have a lot of bounders or if you need to drill in fractured rock, the Xs is the only system offering the advantage of using a larger hammer to drill with the crown. The penetration rate in rocks will be almost the same as if you are drilling with a conventional oversized bit.
Smooth Drilling: Compared to the wing bit method, drilling with the full face Xs drill system will be an unbelievable experience. Working with a wing bit system is very hard on every piece of equipment due to excessive torque applied by the wings, on the driver device, hammer, drill rods, rotation head, and mast. Wear on Gage Carbide Buttons: The wear on the carbide buttons on a wing bit system (on the pilot and especially on the wing part) will occur very fast, especially in abrasive rock or harder ground. On the Xs drill system, there are double the quantity of carbides on the gage row that are actually needed to give an extended life. Components: Wing bit systems consist of a lot of different components, all necessary for its operation. Usually there is a driver device, two, three, or four wings, pins, screws, spring pins, etc. All of those parts are very costly, and this can cause you a lot of time on the job site. With the Xs drill system there is a driver with a crown, already assembled and ready to drill. That’s it! Toughness of Parts: In those wing bit systems every component is very fragile, and as soon as you have a little bit of wear in the overall system those parts are inclined to break without notice and leave you again with down time. Direct Energy Transfer: With the Xs drill system, the energy given by the hammer is transferred directly and entirely to the drilling part of the crown bit and not to the driving shoe. Easier to Weld: The crown bit is composed of two (2) assembled swivel parts. The lower rotating part, which has carbide buttons to drill, receives the impact and rotation from the hammer. The upper part is welded to the casing, doesn’t receive any percussion directly from the hammer, and is pulled down with the casing through a swivel joint. The impact of the joint is minimized because the drilling action of the rotating crown portion has absorbed most of it, leaving however enough energy to pull down the casing. Less Maintenance: In almost any other system there is a lot of maintenance to do on the most expensive part, which is the driver device. The driving shoe is fixed to the casing and the driver rotates and impacts on the upper shoe, causing rapid wear to appear on the driver, which needs to be repaired or replaced. On the Xs drill system that grinding effect is transferred to the swivel joint between the upper and lower part of the crown, which is left in the hole 90% of the time.


Xs S Components
  • Driver Bit: The driver bit is the device that transfers impact and rotation to the crown bit for drilling. The driver bit locks into four flats on the casing crown, and they act together as a standard drill bit; both the driver bit and the crown have tungsten carbide buttons. The Driver bit drills a pilot hole of 3″ below the crown to guide the direction of the casing in rough drilling. Afterwards this pilot space below the crown allows the square bit to turn without touching the crown.
  • Crown Bit: The crown bit is a two-piece unit permanently connected together. The upper part is welded to the casing and the lower part, which has Tungsten Carbide, is free to rotate with the driver bit.
  • Square Bit: The drill-through bit is specially shaped to pass through the crown’s flats and to drill the sub-casing hole to a maximum hole diameter, enabling in most cases the use of a larger diameter hammer than the competition.
  • Impact Zone: Direct energy from the hammer is transferred to the crown bit through four (4) recesses formed by the locking mechanism.
  • Evacuation: Two (2) big air holes are drilled in the face of the bit (drilling end). Those holes are directly connected to two (2) large flushing airways, placed at 160 degrees between each other; these flushing grooves transfer the drill debris from the drilling end of the driver up to the hammer zone. To help keep a good flow of debris, two (2) other smaller air holes in the flushing airways help give the cuttings some velocity.
This model also comes with a “rotational-crusher zone.” That protective zone is placed at the end of the flushing airways just under the hammer spline drive. This zone (patent pending) is to improve evacuation by preventing accumulation of rocks and gravel at a recess point. By turning the driver against a fixed casing, the rock is crushed into smaller particles and then evacuated through the casing.
SystemCasing ODMax. WallCrown OD (A)Crown ID (B)Crown A/F (C)Driver ODSq. Bit ODHammer Size
Xs T 4.5004.500"0.196"5.500"4.070"3.660"4.040"4.000"3" / 3.5"
Xs T 4.500-24.500"0.250"5.500"3.970"3.540"3.940"3.938"3" / 3.5"
Xs T 4.500-34.500"0.315"5.250"3.800"3.400"3.770"3.750"3" / 3.5"
Xs T 5.0005.000"0.280"5.875"4.460"3.960"4.925"4.375"4"
Xs T 5.5005.500"0.313"6.250"4.875"4.375"4.815"4.813"4"
Xs T 5.500-25.500"0.250"6.500"5.030"4.525"4.970"5.000"4"
Xs T 6.0006.000"0.393"6.750"5.210"4.780"5.160"5.125"5"
Xs T 6.625"6.625"0.280"7.500"6.060"5.530"5.970"6.000"5" / 6"
Xs T 7.0007.000"0.250"8.000"6.500"6.000"6.445"6.438"6"
Xs T 7.000-27.000"0.188"8.000"6.625"6.125"6.570"6.563"6"
Xs T 7.000-37.000"0.375"8.000"6.280"5.750"6.200"6.188"6"
Xs T 7.6257.625"0.313"8.750"7.000"6.420"6.920"6.375"6"
Xs T 8.6258.625"0.250"9.500"8.060"7.530"7.970"8.000"6"
Xs T 10.75010.750"0.375"12.000"10.000"9.250"9.930"9.938"8"
Xs T 12.75012.750"0.450"14.000"11.850"10.580"11.750"11.813"8"
Xs T 14.00014.000"0.500"15.500"13.000"11.780"12.900"12.938"10" / 12"
Xs T 16.00016.000"0.270"18.500"15.450"13.580"15.375"15.375"12"
Xs T 18.00018.000"0.500"20.000"17.070"15.375"16.950"16.938"12" / 15"
Xs T 20.00020.000"0.515"22.500"18.950"17.080"18.875"18.875"15"
Xs T 22.00022.000"0.625"24.000"20.750"18.950"20.625"20.625"18"
Xs T 24.00024.000"0.625"26.000"22.750"20.950"22.625"22.625"18"
Xs T 26.00026.000"0.625"28.000"24.750"22.950"24.625"24.625"24"
Xs T 28.00028.000"0.625"30.000"26.750"24.950"26.625"26.625"24"
Xs T 30.00030.000"0.625"32.500"28.750"26.450"28.500"28.500"24"
Xs T 32.00032.000"0.625"34.500"30.750"28.450"30.500"30.500"24"
Xs T 36.00036.000"0.625"38.500"34.750"32.450"34.500"34.500"24" / 30"

Xs T System Video

Xs T V2.0 System

Xs T V2.0 System 

  • Complete drilling system (crown, driver, and square bit)
  • You can use a bigger hammer in bedrock

Description: The Xs T V2.0 system has four (4) keyways to transfer impact directly from the driver to the crown giving the necessary force to drill and drive the casing down. The lugs (locking mechanism) are bigger and offer a greater impact surface increasing the life span of the system considerably. Depending on the model, the impact surface can be increased by up to 4 times that of the standard version. The crown has a socket assembly which fits over the casing for better welding alignment. The drilling diameter in bedrock will be slightly reduced compared to the Xs drill systems of the first generation.

Advantages Over:

Advantages over Eccentric System

Straighter Holes: Because this ring bit system doesn’t use any eccentric parts, it will drill in any overburden with almost no deviation. The driver bit also has a pilot portion that drills 3″ to 5″ before the crown bit, allowing it to keep the casing very straight. If you try to drill on the side of a boulder with an eccentric system, the reamer will kick you out of your trajectory. Better Rate of Penetration: There are two (2) distinct advantages when drilling with the Xs drill system:
  • Concentric: On the crown bit there are carbide buttons all around the periphery of the hole, as opposed to approximately one third (1/3) on an eccentric system. That means for each turn you do with a ring bit you have in fact drilled a deeper portion of that hole.
  • Hammer: If you have a lot of bounders or if you need to drill in fractured rock, the Xs is the only system offering the advantage of using a larger hammer to drill with the crown. The penetration rate in rocks will be almost the same as if you are drilling with a conventional oversized bit.
Smooth Drilling: Compared to an eccentric method, drilling with the full face Xs drill system will be an unbelievable experience. Working with an eccentric system is very hard on every piece of equipment due to excessive torque applied by the reamer on the driver device, hammer, drill rods, rotation head, and mast. Wear on Gage Carbide Button: The wear on the carbide buttons on an eccentric system (on the pilot and especially on the reamer part) will occur very fast, especially in abrasive rock or harder ground. On the Xs drill system there are double the quantity of carbides on the gage row that are actually needed to give extended life. Components: Eccentric systems consist of a lot of different components, all necessary for its operation. Usually there is a pilot bit, a reamer bit, a driver, steel balls, set screws, pins, spring pins, etc. If you are using a wing-type system, a driver device, two, three, or four wings, pins, screws, spring pins, etc., all of those parts are very costly, and this can cause you a lot of time on the job site. With the Xs drill system there is a driver with a crown already assembled and ready to drill. That’s it! Toughness of Parts: In those eccentric and/or wing bit systems every component is very fragile, and as soon as you have a little bit of wear in the overall system those parts are inclined to break without notice and leave you again with down time. Direct Energy Transfer: With the Xs drill system, the energy given by the hammer is transferred directly and entirely to the drilling part of the crown bit and not to the driving shoe. Easier to Weld: The crown bit is composed of two (2) assembled swivel parts. The lower rotating part, which has carbide buttons to drill, receives the impact and rotation from the hammer. The upper part is welded to the casing, doesn’t receive any percussion directly from the hammer, and is pulled down with the casing through a swivel joint. The impact of the joint is minimized because the drilling action of the rotating crown portion has absorbed most of it, leaving however enough energy to pull down the casing. Less Maintenance: In almost any other system there is a lot of maintenance to do on the most expensive part, which is the driver device. The driving shoe is fixed to the casing and the driver rotates and impacts on the upper shoe, causing rapid wear to appear on the driver, which needs to be repaired or replaced. On the Xs drill system that grinding effect is transferred to the swivel joint between the upper and lower part of the crown, which is left in the hole 90% of the time.

Advantages Over Other Ring Bit Systems

Straighter Holes: The Xs drill system will drill in most overburden with almost no deviation. The driver bit has a pilot portion that drills 3″ to 5″ before the crown bit, allowing it to keep the pipe very straight. Better Rate of Penetration: One advantage of drilling with the Xs drill system is the size of the DTH hammer used. If you have a lot of boulders or if you need to drill in fractured rock, the Xs is the only system offering the possibility to use a larger hammer to drill with the crown. The penetration rate in rocks will be almost the same as if you are drilling with a conventional oversized bit. Easier to Weld: The crown bit is composed of two (2) assembled swivel parts. The lower rotating part, which has carbide buttons to drill, receives the impact and rotation from the hammer. The upper part is welded to the casing, doesn’t receive any percussion directly from the hammer, and is pulled down with the casing through a swivel joint. The impact of the joint is minimized because the drilling action of the rotating crown portion has absorbed most of it, leaving however enough energy to pull down the casing. Less Maintenance: In almost any other system there is a lot of maintenance to do on the most expensive part, which is the driver device. The driving shoe is fixed to the casing and the driver rotates and impacts on the upper shoe, causing rapid wear to appear on the driver, which needs to be repaired or replaced. On the Xs drill system that grinding effect is transferred to the swivel joint between the upper and lower part of the crown, which is left in the hole 90% of the time.

Advantages Over Wing Bit System

Straighter Holes: Because this ring bit system has a contiguous surface (full face) compared to the large empty portion between wings, it will drill in any overburden with almost no deviation. The driver bit also has a pilot portion that drills 3″ to 5″ before the crown bit, allowing it to keep the casing very straight. If you try to drill on the side of the boulder with an eccentric system, the reamer will kick you out of your trajectory. Better Rate of Penetration: There are two (2) distinct advantages when drilling with the Xs drill system:
  • Concentric: On the crown bit there are carbide buttons all around the periphery of the hole, as opposed to approximately one third (1/3) on an eccentric system. That means for each turn you do with a ring bit you have in fact drilled a deeper portion of that hole.
  • Hammer: If you have a lot of bounders or if you need to drill in fractured rock, the Xs is the only system offering the advantage of using a larger hammer to drill with the crown. The penetration rate in rocks will be almost the same as if you are drilling with a conventional oversized bit.
Smooth Drilling: Compared to the wing bit method, drilling with the full face Xs drill system will be an unbelievable experience. Working with a wing bit system is very hard on every piece of equipment due to excessive torque applied by the wings, on the driver device, hammer, drill rods, rotation head, and mast. Wear on Gage Carbide Buttons: The wear on the carbide buttons on a wing bit system (on the pilot and especially on the wing part) will occur very fast, especially in abrasive rock or harder ground. On the Xs drill system, there are double the quantity of carbides on the gage row that are actually needed to give an extended life. Components: Wing bit systems consist of a lot of different components, all necessary for its operation. Usually there is a driver device, two, three, or four wings, pins, screws, spring pins, etc. All of those parts are very costly, and this can cause you a lot of time on the job site. With the Xs drill system there is a driver with a crown, already assembled and ready to drill. That’s it! Toughness of Parts: In those wing bit systems every component is very fragile, and as soon as you have a little bit of wear in the overall system those parts are inclined to break without notice and leave you again with down time. Direct Energy Transfer: With the Xs drill system, the energy given by the hammer is transferred directly and entirely to the drilling part of the crown bit and not to the driving shoe. Easier to Weld: The crown bit is composed of two (2) assembled swivel parts. The lower rotating part, which has carbide buttons to drill, receives the impact and rotation from the hammer. The upper part is welded to the casing, doesn’t receive any percussion directly from the hammer, and is pulled down with the casing through a swivel joint. The impact of the joint is minimized because the drilling action of the rotating crown portion has absorbed most of it, leaving however enough energy to pull down the casing. Less Maintenance: In almost any other system there is a lot of maintenance to do on the most expensive part, which is the driver device. The driving shoe is fixed to the casing and the driver rotates and impacts on the upper shoe, causing rapid wear to appear on the driver, which needs to be repaired or replaced. On the Xs drill system that grinding effect is transferred to the swivel joint between the upper and lower part of the crown, which is left in the hole 90% of the time.


Xs T V2.0 System


  • Driver Bit: The driver bit is the device that transfers impact and rotation to the crown bit for drilling. The driver bit locks into four flats on the casing crown and they act together as a standard drill bit, both the driver bit and the crown have tungsten carbide buttons. The Driver bit drills a pilot hole below the crown to guide the direction of the casing in rough drilling. Afterwards this pilot space below the crown allows the square bit to turn without touching the crown..
  • Crown Bit: The crown bit is a two-piece unit permanently connected together. The upper part is welded to the casing, and the lower part, which has Tungsten Carbide is free to rotate with the driver bit.
  • Impact Zone: Direct energy from the hammer is transferred to the crown bit through four (4) recesses formed by the locking mechanism.
  • Evacuation: Two (2) big air holes are drilled in the face of the bit (drilling end). Those holes are directly connected to two (2) large flushing airways, placed at 160 degrees between each other; these flushing grooves transfer the drill debris from the drilling end of the driver up to the hammer zone. To help keep a good flow of debris, two (2) other smaller air holes in the flushing airways help give the cuttings some velocity.

This model also comes with a “rotational-crusher zone.” That protective zone is placed at the end of the flushing airways just under the hammer spline drive. This zone (patent pending) is to improve evacuation by preventing accumulation of rocks and gravel at a recess point. By turning the driver against a fixed casing, the rock is crushed into smaller particles and then evacuated through the casing.

SystemCasing ODMax. WallCrown OD (A)Crown ID (B)Driver ODHammer Size
Xs T V2.0 4.5004.500"0.250"5.375"3.640"3.930"3" / 3.5"
Xs T V2.0 5.0005.000"0.280"5.875"4.460"4.400"4"
Xs T V2.0 5.5005.500"0.258"6.350"4.560"4.900"4"
Xs T V2.0 5.500-25.500"0.425"6.200"4.210"4.550"4"
Xs T V2.0 6.0006.000"0.393"6.750"4.770"5.140"5"
Xs T V2.0 6.625"6.625"0.280"7.500"5.590"6.000"5"
Xs T V2.0 7.0007.000"0.250"8.000"6.030"6.430"5"
Xs T V2.0 7.6257.625"0.313"8.750"6.530"7.000"6"
Xs T V2.0 8.625-28.625"0.322"9.500"7.490"7.900"6"
Xs T V2.0 9.6259.625"0.375"10.500"8.310"8.800"8"
Xs T V2.0 10.75010.750"0.375"11.750"9.300"9.940"8"
Xs T V2.0 12.75012.750"0.450"14.000"11.010"11.780"10"
Xs T V2.0 14.00014.000"0.500"15.500"11.940"12.900"10"
Xs T V2.0 16.00016.000"0.500"17.750"13.800"14.900"12"
Xs T V2.0 18.00018.000"0.500"19.600"15.800"16.900"12" / 15"
Xs T V2.0 20.00020.000"0.593"22.000"17.200"18.680"15"
Xs T V2.0 22.00022.000"0.625"24.000"19.000"20.630"18"
Xs T V2.0 24.00024.000"0.625"26.000"21.000"22.630"18"
Xs T V2.0 26.00026.000"0.625"28.000"23.000"24.630"24"
Xs T V2.0 28.00028.000"0.625"30.000"25.000"26.630"24"
Xs T V2.0 30.00030.000"0.625"32.500"26.650"28.500"24"
Xs T V2.0 32.00032.000"0.625"34.500"28.650"30.500"24"
Xs T V2.0 36.00036.000"0.625"38.500"32.650"34.500"30"

Xs T V2.0 System Video

Xs GT System

Xs GT System

The Xs GT overburden system is especially designed for piling, micropiling, anchor installation, and other civil engineering applications. Overburden can be cased and sub-casing anchor sockets drilled in the bedrock in one operation without removing the drill string.

  • Pass through
  • Same driver for casing and socket drilling
  • Easy to start the socket drilling operation
  • Socket diameter same as casing I.D.

Description: The Xs GT system is predominantly designed for piling, micropiling, anchor installation, and other civil engineering applications where casing is left in the hole. Overburden can be cased and sub-casing anchor sockets drilled in the bedrock in one operation, with the same driver-bit, without removing the drill string. The driver has four (4) recesses that transfer impact directly to the crown, giving the necessary force to drill and drive down casing. The drilling end of the driver bit, like conventional bits, is bigger than the body itself to provide clearance when drilling in bedrock.


  • Driver Bit: The driver bit is the device that transfers impact and rotation to the crown bit for drilling. The driver bit locks into four flats on the casing crown, and they act together as a standard drill bit; both the driver bit and the crown have tungsten carbide buttons. The Driver bit drills a pilot hole of 3″ below the crown to guide the direction of the casing in rough drilling. Afterwards the same driver bit can be used for sub-casing drilling.
  • Crown Bit: The crown bit is a two-piece unit permanently connected together. The upper part is welded to the casing and the lower part, which has Tungsten Carbide, is free to rotate with the driver bit.

Xs GT System

  • Step 1: Once the crown has been welded to the casing, align the driver between the crown flats.
  • Step 2: Lower the driver bit and turn clockwise to lock the system together.


Xs GT System

  • Step 3: When the casing reaches the rock, turn counter clockwise and pull back 12 inches.
  • Step 4: Turn 90 degrees and go back through the crown for sub-drilling.
  • Impact Zone: Direct energy from the hammer is transferred to the crown bit through *two/four (4) recesses formed by the locking surface.
  • Evacuation: Two (2) big air holes are drilled in the face of the bit (drilling end). Those holes are directly connected to two (2) large flushing airways, placed at 160 degrees between each other; these flushing grooves transfer the drill debris from the drilling end of the driver up to the hammer zone. To help keep a good flow of debris, two (2) other smaller air holes in the flushing airways help give the cuttings some velocity.
SystemCasing O.D.Casing Max WallCrown I.D.Crown A/FCrown O.D.Drive O.D.Hammer
Xs GT 4.5004.500"0.250"4.000"3.300"5.200"3.950"3"
Xs GT 5.0005.000"0.300"4.400"3.700"5.625"4.350"4"
Xs GT 5.2505.250"0.350"4.550"3.850"5.750"4.500"4"
Xs GT 5.5005.500"0.350"4.800"4.100"6.125"4.850"4"
Xs GT 6.0006.000"0.390"5.220"4.470"6.500"5.170"4"
Xs GT 6.6256.625"0.390"5.845"5.145"7.100"5.795"5"
Xs GT 7.0007.000"0.310"6.380"5.680"7.630"6.330"5" / 6"
Xs GT 7.6257.625"0.470"6.685"5.836"8.180"6.635"6"
Xs GT 8.6258.625"0.500"7.625"6.775"9.125"7.575"6"
Xs GT 10.75010.750"0.500"9.750"8.550"11.800"9.700"8"
Xs GT 12.75012.750"0.500"11.750"10.550"12.600"11.700"8" / 10"
Xs GT 14.00014.000"0.500"13.000"11.800"15.050"12.950"10"
Xs GT 18.00018.000"0.500"17.000"15.500"20.100"16.900"12"
Xs GT 22.00022.000"0.500"21.000"19.500"24.100"20.900"12"
Xs GT 26.00026.000"0.500"25.000"23.500"28.100"24.900"12"
Xs GT 30.00030.000"0.500"29.000"27.500"32.100"28.900"12"
Xs GT 36,00036,000"0.500"35.000"33.500"38.100"34.900"12"

Xs GT System Video

Xs FP/FPH – Umbrella, Drainage, and Injection Applications

  • When working horizontal, this system works without locking grooves (like our competitors systems) it is much easier to pull back from the hole. The operator doesn’t have to lose precious time trying to unlock.
  • We also offer a special system to drill into clay formations. This system has been adapted to be more aggressive when drilling (better penetration rate) and allow more space for sticky cuttings to come out.

Used with top hammer drills or DTH hammer, these systems were developed mainly for tunnelling applications in unconsolidated formations.Xs FP System

The standard driver bit comes without locking grooves and it is called the NLS (no locking system). The purpose of the driver bit is to transmit the rotation and the percussion to the crown bit. The NLS has been proven as the best and the most user friendly system on the market. When the drilling phase has been completed, it is very easy to disengage from the crown bit by simply pulling straight back.

Ranging from 3’’ up to 6’’, the Xs FP (forepoling) system and Xs FPH (forepoling hybrid) are used in umbrella, drainage and injection applications with top hammer or DTH drills. These systems were developed mainly for use in tunnelling applications in unconsolidated formations. The Xs FPH has more impact surface and greater air channels for evacuation of the cuttings. This system can be used with standard crowns or with a special crown adapted for drilling through clay.
The driver bit comes in 2 different versions; with locking grooves for vertical drilling and without locking grooves for horizontal drilling. The version without the locking grooves is called the NLS (no locking system). The purpose of the driver bit is to transmit the rotation and the percussion to the crown bit only.
The NLS is proven to be the best and the most user friendly system on the market. When the drilling phase has been completed, it is very easy to disengage from the crown bit by simply pulling straight back.


  • Driver Bit The driver bit is the device that transfers impact and rotation to the crown bit for drilling. The driver bit is inserted into the crown bit and they act together as a standard drill bit. Both the driver bit and the crown bit have tungsten carbide buttons. The Driver bit drills like a pilot bit, making a 1 1/2″ hole ahead of the crown to guide the direction of the casing in rough drilling.
  • Crown Bit The crown bit is a two-piece unit permanently connected together. The upper part is welded to the casing, and the lower part, which has the Tungsten Carbides, is free to rotate with the driver bit.
  • Impact zone: Direct Energy from the top hammer is transferred to the crown bit through different shoulders on the driver bit.
  • Evacuation: Two (2) air holes are drilled in the face of the driver bit (drilling end). These holes are directly connected to two (2) flushing airways. These flushing grooves transfer the drilling debris from the drilling end of the driver up to the drill steel zone. To help in keeping a good flow of debris, two (2) other smaller air holes have been added in the flushing airways to help give the cuttings some velocity.
Xs FP System
SystemCasing ODMax. WallCrown OD (A)Crown ID (B)Driver ODThread Size
Xs FP 3.0003.000".313"3.440"1.950"2.330"R32
Xs FPH 3.0003.000".313"3.438"1.800"2.300"R32
Xs FP 3.5003.500".313"4.000"2.450"2.800"T38
Xs FPH 3.5003.500".313"4.000"2.300"2.800"T38
Xs FP 4.0004.000".355"4.500"2.700"3.200"T45
Xs FPH 4.0004.500".355"5.000"3.250"3.750"2"
Xs FP 4.5004.500".355"5.000"3.200"3.700"2"
Xs FPH 4.5005.000".393"5.500"3.650"4.130"3.5"
Xs FP 5.0005.000".393"5.500"3.580"4.130"3.5"
Xs FPH 5.0005.500".393"6.000"4.250"4.570"3.5"
Xs FP 6.0006.000".393"6.500"4.650"5.130"4"
Xs FPH 6.0006.000".393"6.500"4.530"5.130"4"

Xs FP / FPH System Video

Xs RU System

Description: The Xs RU (retrievable/reusable) overburden system is used with any size casing that needs to be retrieved from the ground. The crown O.D. is only slightly bigger than the O.D. of the casing and is butt-welded to reduce drag when pulling the casing. The Xs R system is used with a standard size hammer because the crown is smaller in dimensions; this system can be made under Xs S or Xs T versions.

Advantages Over:

Advantages over Eccentric System

Straighter Holes: Because this ring bit system doesn’t use any eccentric parts, it will drill in any overburden with almost no deviation. The driver bit also has a pilot portion that drills 3″ to 5″ before the crown bit, allowing it to keep the casing very straight. If you try to drill on the side of a boulder with an eccentric system, the reamer will kick you out of your trajectory. Better Rate of Penetration: There are two (2) distinct advantages when drilling with the Xs drill system:
  • Concentric: On the crown bit there are carbide buttons all around the periphery of the hole, as opposed to approximately one third (1/3) on an eccentric system. That means for each turn you do with a ring bit you have in fact drilled a deeper portion of that hole.
  • Hammer: If you have a lot of bounders or if you need to drill in fractured rock, the Xs is the only system offering the advantage of using a larger hammer to drill with the crown. The penetration rate in rocks will be almost the same as if you are drilling with a conventional oversized bit.
Smooth Drilling: Compared to an eccentric method, drilling with the full face Xs drill system will be an unbelievable experience. Working with an eccentric system is very hard on every piece of equipment due to excessive torque applied by the reamer on the driver device, hammer, drill rods, rotation head, and mast. Wear on Gage Carbide Button: The wear on the carbide buttons on an eccentric system (on the pilot and especially on the reamer part) will occur very fast, especially in abrasive rock or harder ground. On the Xs drill system there are double the quantity of carbides on the gage row that are actually needed to give extended life. Components: Eccentric systems consist of a lot of different components, all necessary for its operation. Usually there is a pilot bit, a reamer bit, a driver, steel balls, set screws, pins, spring pins, etc. If you are using a wing-type system, a driver device, two, three, or four wings, pins, screws, spring pins, etc., all of those parts are very costly, and this can cause you a lot of time on the job site. With the Xs drill system there is a driver with a crown already assembled and ready to drill. That’s it! Toughness of Parts: In those eccentric and/or wing bit systems every component is very fragile, and as soon as you have a little bit of wear in the overall system those parts are inclined to break without notice and leave you again with down time. Direct Energy Transfer: With the Xs drill system, the energy given by the hammer is transferred directly and entirely to the drilling part of the crown bit and not to the driving shoe. Easier to Weld: The crown bit is composed of two (2) assembled swivel parts. The lower rotating part, which has carbide buttons to drill, receives the impact and rotation from the hammer. The upper part is welded to the casing, doesn’t receive any percussion directly from the hammer, and is pulled down with the casing through a swivel joint. The impact of the joint is minimized because the drilling action of the rotating crown portion has absorbed most of it, leaving however enough energy to pull down the casing. Less Maintenance: In almost any other system there is a lot of maintenance to do on the most expensive part, which is the driver device. The driving shoe is fixed to the casing and the driver rotates and impacts on the upper shoe, causing rapid wear to appear on the driver, which needs to be repaired or replaced. On the Xs drill system that grinding effect is transferred to the swivel joint between the upper and lower part of the crown, which is left in the hole 90% of the time.

Advantages Over Other Ring Bit Systems

Straighter Holes: The Xs drill system will drill in most overburden with almost no deviation. The driver bit has a pilot portion that drills 3″ to 5″ before the crown bit, allowing it to keep the pipe very straight. Better Rate of Penetration: One advantage of drilling with the Xs drill system is the size of the DTH hammer used. If you have a lot of boulders or if you need to drill in fractured rock, the Xs is the only system offering the possibility to use a larger hammer to drill with the crown. The penetration rate in rocks will be almost the same as if you are drilling with a conventional oversized bit. Easier to Weld: The crown bit is composed of two (2) assembled swivel parts. The lower rotating part, which has carbide buttons to drill, receives the impact and rotation from the hammer. The upper part is welded to the casing, doesn’t receive any percussion directly from the hammer, and is pulled down with the casing through a swivel joint. The impact of the joint is minimized because the drilling action of the rotating crown portion has absorbed most of it, leaving however enough energy to pull down the casing. Less Maintenance: In almost any other system there is a lot of maintenance to do on the most expensive part, which is the driver device. The driving shoe is fixed to the casing and the driver rotates and impacts on the upper shoe, causing rapid wear to appear on the driver, which needs to be repaired or replaced. On the Xs drill system that grinding effect is transferred to the swivel joint between the upper and lower part of the crown, which is left in the hole 90% of the time.

Advantages Over Wing Bit System

Straighter Holes: Because this ring bit system has a contiguous surface (full face) compared to the large empty portion between wings, it will drill in any overburden with almost no deviation. The driver bit also has a pilot portion that drills 3″ to 5″ before the crown bit, allowing it to keep the casing very straight. If you try to drill on the side of the boulder with an eccentric system, the reamer will kick you out of your trajectory. Better Rate of Penetration: There are two (2) distinct advantages when drilling with the Xs drill system:
  • Concentric: On the crown bit there are carbide buttons all around the periphery of the hole, as opposed to approximately one third (1/3) on an eccentric system. That means for each turn you do with a ring bit you have in fact drilled a deeper portion of that hole.
  • Hammer: If you have a lot of bounders or if you need to drill in fractured rock, the Xs is the only system offering the advantage of using a larger hammer to drill with the crown. The penetration rate in rocks will be almost the same as if you are drilling with a conventional oversized bit.
Smooth Drilling: Compared to the wing bit method, drilling with the full face Xs drill system will be an unbelievable experience. Working with a wing bit system is very hard on every piece of equipment due to excessive torque applied by the wings, on the driver device, hammer, drill rods, rotation head, and mast. Wear on Gage Carbide Buttons: The wear on the carbide buttons on a wing bit system (on the pilot and especially on the wing part) will occur very fast, especially in abrasive rock or harder ground. On the Xs drill system, there are double the quantity of carbides on the gage row that are actually needed to give an extended life. Components: Wing bit systems consist of a lot of different components, all necessary for its operation. Usually there is a driver device, two, three, or four wings, pins, screws, spring pins, etc. All of those parts are very costly, and this can cause you a lot of time on the job site. With the Xs drill system there is a driver with a crown, already assembled and ready to drill. That’s it! Toughness of Parts: In those wing bit systems every component is very fragile, and as soon as you have a little bit of wear in the overall system those parts are inclined to break without notice and leave you again with down time. Direct Energy Transfer: With the Xs drill system, the energy given by the hammer is transferred directly and entirely to the drilling part of the crown bit and not to the driving shoe. Easier to Weld: The crown bit is composed of two (2) assembled swivel parts. The lower rotating part, which has carbide buttons to drill, receives the impact and rotation from the hammer. The upper part is welded to the casing, doesn’t receive any percussion directly from the hammer, and is pulled down with the casing through a swivel joint. The impact of the joint is minimized because the drilling action of the rotating crown portion has absorbed most of it, leaving however enough energy to pull down the casing. Less Maintenance: In almost any other system there is a lot of maintenance to do on the most expensive part, which is the driver device. The driving shoe is fixed to the casing and the driver rotates and impacts on the upper shoe, causing rapid wear to appear on the driver, which needs to be repaired or replaced. On the Xs drill system that grinding effect is transferred to the swivel joint between the upper and lower part of the crown, which is left in the hole 90% of the time.


Xs S Components
  • Driver Bit: The driver bit is the device that transfers impact and rotation to the crown bit for drilling. The driver bit locks into four flats on the casing crown, and they act together as a standard drill bit; both the driver bit and the crown have tungsten carbide buttons. The Driver bit drills a pilot hole of 3″ below the crown to guide the direction of the casing in rough drilling. Afterwards this pilot space below the crown allows the square bit to turn without touching the crown.
  • Crown Bit: The crown bit is a two-piece unit permanently connected together. The upper part is welded to the casing and the lower part, which has Tungsten Carbide, is free to rotate with the driver bit.
  • Square Bit: The drill-through bit is specially shaped to pass through the crown’s flats and to drill the sub-casing hole to a maximum hole diameter, enabling in most cases the use of a larger diameter hammer than the competition.
  • Impact Zone: Direct energy from the hammer is transferred to the crown bit through four (4) recesses formed by the locking mechanism.
  • Evacuation: Two (2) big air holes are drilled in the face of the bit (drilling end). Those holes are directly connected to two (2) large flushing airways, placed at 160 degrees between each other; these flushing grooves transfer the drill debris from the drilling end of the driver up to the hammer zone. To help keep a good flow of debris, two (2) other smaller air holes in the flushing airways help give the cuttings some velocity.
This model also comes with a “rotational-crusher zone.” That protective zone is placed at the end of the flushing airways just under the hammer spline drive. This zone (patent pending) is to improve evacuation by preventing accumulation of rocks and gravel at a recess point. By turning the driver against a fixed casing, the rock is crushed into smaller particles and then evacuated through the casing.
SystemCasing ODMax. WallCrown OD (A)Crown ID (B)Driver ODHammer Size
Xs RU 4.5004.500"0.512"4.750"3.040"3.350"3"
Xs RU 5.0005.000"0.512"5.250"3.460"3.770"3.5"
Xs RU 5.5005.500"0.563"5.750"3.840"4.190"4"
Xs RU 6.0006.000"0.563"6.313"4.290"4.670"4"
Xs RU 6.6256.625"0.625"7.000"4.780"5.180"5"
Xs RU 7.0007.000"0.625"7.375"5.090"5.500"5"
Xs RU 7.6257.625"0.625"8.000"5.670"6.080"6"
Xs RU 8.6258.625"0.688"9.000"6.590"7.020"6"
Xs RU 9.6259.625"0.688"10.000"7.450"7.950"6"
Xs RU 10.75010.750"0.875"11.250"8.210"8.840"8"
Xs RU 12.75012.750"0.938"13.250"9.910"10.650"8"
Xs RU 14.00014.000"1.000"14.500"10.640"11.600"10"
Xs RU 16.00016.000"1.000"16.625"12.300"13.380"12"
Xs RU 18.00018.000"1.000"18.625"13.900"15.180"12"
Xs RU 20.00020.000"1.000"20.750"15.500"16.980"15"
Xs RU 22.00022.000"1.000"22.750"16.950"18.550"15"
Xs RU 24.00024.000"1.000"24.750"18.950"20.550"18"
Xs RU 26.00026.000"1.000"26.750"20.950"22.550"18"
Xs RU 28.00028.000"1.000"28.750"22.950"24.550"24"
Xs RU 30.00030.000"1.000"31.000"24.300"26.200"24"
Xs RU 32.00032.000"1.000"33.000"26.300"28.200"24"
Xs RU 36.00036.000"1.000"37.000"30.300"32.200"24"

Xs RU System Video

Xs GTE System

Description: The Xs GTE system is especially designed for piling, micro piling, anchor installation and other civil engineering applications. Overburden can be cased and sub-casing anchor sockets drilled into bedrock in one operation with the same driver-bit without removing the drill string. The crown of this economical model drill’s slightly larger than the casing itself due to its butt weld type connection to the casing. The diameter of the socket drilled into bedrock is reduced compared to the GT system. The driver has four (4) recessed portions which transfer impact directly to the crown giving the necessary force to drill and drive the casing down. The drilling end of the driver bit is slightly bigger than the core itself to provide clearance when drilling into bedrock.


Xs GTE System
  • Driver Bit: The driver bit is the device that transfers impact and rotation to the crown bit for drilling. The driver bit locks into four flats on the casing crown, and they act together as a standard drill bit; both the driver bit and the crown have tungsten carbide buttons. The Driver bit drills a pilot hole of 3″ below the crown to guide the direction of the casing in rough drilling. Afterwards the same driver bit can be used for sub-casing drilling.
  • Crown Bit: The crown bit is a two-piece unit permanently connected together. The upper part is welded to the casing and the lower part, which has Tungsten Carbide, is free to rotate with the driver bit.
  • Impact Zone: Direct energy from the hammer is transferred to the crown bit through four (4) recesses formed by the locking mechanism.
  • Evacuation: Two (2) big air holes are drilled in the face of the bit (drilling end). Those holes are directly connected to two (2) large flushing airways, placed at 160 degrees between each other; these flushing grooves transfer the drill debris from the drilling end of the driver up to the hammer zone. To help keep a good flow of debris, two (2) other smaller air holes in the flushing airways help give the cuttings some velocity.
SystemCasing ODMax. WallCrown OD (A)Crown ID (B)Crown A/F (C)Driver ODHammer Size
Xs GTE 4.5004.500"0.500"4.750"3.480"2.950"3.438"2"
Xs GTE 5.0005.000"0.512"5.250"3.930"3.400"3.875"3.5"
Xs GTE 5.5005.500"0.512"5.750"4.430"3.880"4.375"4"
Xs GTE 6.0006.000"0.530"6.325"4.900"4.260"4.850"4"
Xs GTE 6.6256.625"0.512"7.000"5.520"4.850"5.440"5"
Xs GTE 7.0007.000"0.610"7.250"5.740"5.020"5.700"5"
Xs GTE 7.6257.625"0.563"8.000"6.500"5.690"6.440"6"
Xs GTE 8.6258.625"0.625"9.000"7.380"6.550"7.313"6"
Xs GTE 9.6259.625"0.708"9.850"8.210"7.280"8.150"6"
Xs GTE 10.75010.750"0.708"11.000"9.300"8.190"9.250"8"
Xs GTE 12.75012.750"0.875"13.000"11.000"9.800"10.940"10"
Xs GTE 14.00014.000"0.787"14.500"12.400"11.100"12.313"10"
Xs GTE 16.00016.000"0.750"16.500"14.460"13.025"14.375"12"
Xs GTE 18.00018.000"0.787"18.500"16.410"14.975"16.313"15"
Xs GTE 20.00020.000"0.905"20.500"18.100"16.440"18.000"15"
Xs GTE 22.00022.000"1.000"22.500"19.850"18.030"19.750"18"
Xs GTE 24.00024.000"1.000"24.500"21.150"19.150"21.063"18"
Xs GTE 26.00026.000"1.000"26.750"23.550"21.550"23.438"18"
Xs GTE 28.00028.000"1.000"29.000"25.150"23.150"25.063"24"
Xs GTE 30.00030.000"1.000"31.000"27.600"25.200"27.438"24"
Xs GTE 32.00032.000"1.000"33.000"29.600"27.200"29.438"24"
Xs GTE 36.00036.000"1.000"37.000"33.600"31.200"33.438"30"

Xs GT System Video

Xs W System

This Xs W system of under reamers drills in soft to medium-soft ground conditions. The Xs W system is a proven system and the operation is more complex compared to the concentric casing systems.
The wings are deployed when the rotation is engaged, drilling a sufficiently large diameter so that the casing can pass through the hole with enough clearance.

Xs W System
Xs W System
SystemCasing ODMax. WallExtended OD (A)Retracted OD (B)Driver OD (C)Drive Shoe ID (D)Hammer Size
Xs W 5.55.5"0.275"6.000"4.490"4.920"4.580"4"
Xs W 6.6256.625"0.295"7.250"5.530"5.970"5.660"5"
Xs W 8.6258.625"0.330"9.313"7.380"7.910"7.535"6"
Xs W 9.6259.625"0.375"10.375"8.270"8.800"8.350"8"
Xs W 10.7510.75"0.375"11.500"9.450"9.950"9.510"8"
Xs W 12.7512.75"0.440"13.438"11.150"11.810"11.215"10"
Xs W 1414"0.513"14.750"12.290"12.920"12.375"10"
Xs W 1616"0.375" *16.875"14.365"15.100"14.450"12"
Xs W 1818"0.437"18.875"16.300"17.050"16.390"15"
Xs W 2020"0.513"21.000"18.230"18.870"18.310"18"
Xs W 2222"0.513"23.000"20.120"20.870"20.200"18"
Xs W 2424"0.513"25.000"22.100"22.860"22.170"24"
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