Control Chemical Corp. manufactures the Matex wide range of environmentally safe drilling fluids and lubricants based on high performance vegetable oil technology.
These products:
- Meet clean performance standards
- Reduce re-drills
- Avoid problems downhole
- Increase production
- Reduce drilling costs
These products increase productivity and lower costs by reducing time flushing the hole, bit mudding, recovering stuck or lost rods, collaring the hole, and re-drills caused by hole stuffing.
The use of very clean drilling products, free of petroleum oil, synthetic oil and heavy metals, is a prerequisite for drilling environmental monitoring wells.
Products include drilling polymers, foams, tool lubricants, blast-hole stabilizers, thread compounds, hydraulic oils, antifreeze fluids, wire rope lubricants, etc.
Matex Percussive Drilling Products
RDO 302 ES (M.W.)
A unique product developed for all types of drilling where rock drill oils are used, such as D.T.H., air tracks, percussive drills, casing drivers, and top hammers.
Hole Control
A unique cost-saving fluid formulated to speed up hole-collaring, reduce collar sloughing, and stabilize the total blast hole.
Used for diamond, rotary, or seismic drilling applications. It is a highly concentrated product that rapidly develops into a very high viscosity fluid when mixed with water.
Foamer ES
A non-alcohol based foam used for diamond and rotary drilling. It provides an environmentally acceptable foaming agent for water well drilling operations.
DD 605L
DD 605L drilling fluids thinner in an environmentally safe, synthetic, organic liquid polymer which lowers mud viscosity and gel strengths of all conventional water-based drilling muds.
Slo-Freeze ES
An environmentally safe fluid for extending the freezing time of drilling water.
Line Flush/Anti-Freeze ES
A glycol/alcohol anti-freeze substitute, both employee and environmentally safe. Eliminates the potential for environmental contamination with conventional anti-freezes.
The ultimate rotary and diamond drilling product for in-hole torque reducing, protecting against rod wear, preventing rust, and extending bit life.
Matex Construction Products
Hole Control
A unique cost-saving fluid formulated to speed up hole-collaring, reduce collar sloughing, and stabilize the total blast hole.
DD 2000
An environmentally safe, very high molecular weight, powdered viscosifier that can be used in either fresh or brine water. It can be used in the diamond, rotary, or seismic drilling industries.
Used for diamond, rotary, or seismic drilling applications. It is a highly concentrated product that rapidly develops into a very high viscosity fluid when mixed with water.
The ultimate rotary and diamond drilling product for in-hole torque reducing, protecting against rod wear, preventing rust, and extending bit life.
RDO 302 ES (M.W.)
A unique product developed for all types of drilling where rock drill oils are used, such as D.T.H., air tracks, percussive drills, casing drivers, and top hammers.
D.H.F. (Diesel Hammer Fuel
Offers the ultimate environmentally safe alternative to petroleum-based diesel fuels and biodiesels (part diesel/part vegetable or animal oils) to protect against contamination of job sites.
Matex Production Blast Hole Drilling Products
RDO 302 ES (M.W.)
A unique product developed for all types of drilling where rock drill oils are used, such as D.T.H., air tracks, percussive drills, casing drivers, and top hammers.
Hole Control
A unique cost-saving fluid formulated to speed up hole-collaring, reduce collar sloughing, and stabilize the total blast hole.
Slo-Freeze ES
An environmentally safe fluid for extending the freezing time of drilling water.
Line Flush/Anti-Freeze ES
A glycol/alcohol anti-freeze substitute, both employee and environmentally safe. Eliminates the potential for environmental contamination with conventional anti-freezes.
Matex Diamond Drilling Products
DD 2000
An environmentally safe, very high molecular weight, powdered viscosifier that can be used in either fresh or brine water. It can be used in the diamond, rotary, or seismic drilling industries.
Used for diamond, rotary, or seismic drilling applications. It is a highly concentrated product that rapidly develops into a very high viscosity fluid when mixed with water.
DD 955
A multi-charged,environmentally safe liquid viscosifier and formation stabilizer specifically for use in areas plagued with shale and clay instability problems due to its ionic charges.
The ultimate rotary and diamond drilling product for in-hole torque reducing, protecting against rod wear, preventing rust, and extending bit life.
DD Xpand
An environmentally safe, loss circulation and plug material which can be used in the diamond, rotary, and seismic drilling industries.
A dry powdered, organic polymer which forms a clean, colloidal solution in fresh or brine water. Mapac is primarily used to reduce fluid loss, increase viscosity, and/or to extend bentonite-based drilling fluids.
DD 605L
DD 605L drilling fluids thinner is an environmentally safe, synthetic, organic liquid polymer which lowers mud viscosity and gel strengths of all conventional water-based drilling muds.
Matex Enviro / Geotechnical Drilling Products
RDO 302 ES (M.W.)
A unique product developed for all types of drilling where rock drill oils are used, such as D.T.H., air tracks, percussive drills, casing drivers, and top hammers.
DD 2000
An environmentally safe, very high molecular weight, powdered viscosifier that can be used in either fresh or brine water. It can be used in the diamond, rotary, or seismic drilling industries.
The ultimate rotary and diamond drilling product for in-hole torque reducing, protecting against rod wear, preventing rust, and extending bit life.
D.H.F. (Diesel Hammer Fuel)
Offers the ultimate environmentally safe alternative to petroleum-based diesel fuels and biodiesels (part diesel/part vegetable or animal oils) to protect against contamination of job sites.
Foamer ES
A non-alcohol based foam used for diamond and rotary drilling. It provides an environmentally acceptable foaming agent for water well drilling operations.
Matex Auger Drilling Products
Hole Control
A unique cost-saving fluid formulated to speed up hole-collaring, reduce collar sloughing, and stabilize the total blast hole.
Used for diamond, rotary, or seismic drilling applications. It is a highly concentrated product that rapidly develops into a very high viscosity fluid when mixed with water.
Matex Rotary Drilling Products
Hole Control
A unique cost-saving fluid formulated to speed up hole-collaring, reduce collar sloughing, and stabilize the total blast hole.
DD 605L
DD 605L drilling fluids thinner in an environmentally safe, synthetic, organic liquid polymer which lowers mud viscosity and gel strengths of all conventional water-based drilling muds.
Slo-Freeze ES
An environmentally safe fluid for extending the freezing time of drilling water.
Foamer ES
A non-alcohol based foam used for diamond and rotary drilling. It provides an environmentally acceptable foaming agent for water well drilling operations.
Line Flush/Anti-Freeze ES
A glycol/alcohol anti-freeze substitute, both employee and environmentally safe. Eliminates the potential for environmental contamination with conventional anti-freezes.
The ultimate rotary and diamond drilling product for in-hole torque reducing, protecting against rod wear, preventing rust, and extending bit life.
Matex Surface and Underground Drilling Products
RDO 302 ES (M.W.)
A unique product developed for all types of drilling where rock drill oils are used, such as D.T.H., air tracks, percussive drills, casing drivers, and top hammers.
Hole Control
A unique cost-saving fluid formulated to speed up hole-collaring, reduce collar sloughing, and stabilize the total blast hole.
Slo-Freeze ES
An environmentally safe fluid for extending the freezing time of drilling water.
Line Flush/Anti-Freeze ES
A glycol/alcohol anti-freeze substitute, both employee and environmentally safe. Eliminates the potential for environmental contamination with conventional anti-freezes.
Matex Horizontal Drilling Products
Hole Control
A unique cost-saving fluid formulated to speed up hole-collaring, reduce collar sloughing, and stabilize the total blast hole.
Used for diamond, rotary, or seismic drilling applications. It is a highly concentrated product that rapidly develops into a very high viscosity fluid when mixed with water.
DD 2000
An environmentally safe, very high molecular weight, powdered viscosifier that can be used in either fresh or brine water. It can be used in the diamond, rotary, or seismic drilling industries.
The ultimate rotary and diamond drilling product for in-hole torque reducing, protecting against rod wear, preventing rust, and extending bit life.
Matex Seismic Drilling Products
Used for diamond, rotary, or seismic drilling applications. It is a highly concentrated product that rapidly develops into a very high viscosity fluid when mixed with water.
Seismic 2 in 1
Provides hole stabilization by combing polymers and environmentally safe oils that coat the hole to prevent hole caving.
Matex Hole Stabilization Products
Hole Control
A unique cost-saving fluid formulated to speed up hole-collaring, reduce collar sloughing, and stabilize the total blast hole.
DD 2000
An environmentally safe, very high molecular weight, powdered viscosifier that can be used in either fresh or brine water. It can be used in the diamond, rotary, or seismic drilling industries.
DD 955
A multi-charged, environmentally safe, liquid viscosifier and formation stabilizer specifically for use in areas plagued with shale and clay instability problems due to its ionic charges.
The ultimate rotary and diamond drilling product for in-hole torque reducing, protecting against rod wear, preventing rust, and extending bit life.
Matex Core Recovery Products
DD 2000
An environmentally safe, very high molecular weight, powdered viscosifier that can be used in either fresh or brine water. It can be used in the diamond, rotary, or seismic drilling industries.
Used for diamond, rotary, or seismic drilling applications. It is a highly concentrated product that rapidly develops into a very high viscosity fluid when mixed with water.
DD 955
A multi-charged, environmentally safe liquid viscosifier and formation stabilizer specifically for use in areas plagued with shale and clay instability problems due to its ionic charges.
The ultimate rotary and diamond drilling product for in-hole torque reducing, protecting against rod wear, preventing rust, and extending bit life.
Matex Increased Penetration Rate Products
Hole Control
A unique cost-saving fluid formulated to speed up hole-collaring, reduce collar sloughing, and stabilize the total blast hole.
The ultimate rotary and diamond drilling product for in-hole torque reducing, protecting against rod wear, preventing rust, and extending bit life.
Foamer ES
A non-alcohol based foam used for diamond and rotary drilling. It provides an environmentally acceptable foaming agent for water well drilling operations.
Matex Water Loss – Lost Circulation Products
DD Xpand
An environmentally safe, loss circulation and plug material which can be used in the diamond, rotary, and seismic drilling industries.
A dry powdered, organic polymer which forms a clean, colloidal solution in fresh or brine water. Mapac is primarily used to reduce fluid loss, increase viscosity, and/or to extend bentonite-based drilling fluids.
Matex DD 605L
Drilling Fluid Thinner
DD 605L drilling fluids thinner is an environmentally safe, synthetic, organic liquid polymer which lowers mud viscosity and gel strengths of all conventional water-based drilling muds. DD 605L also aids in filtration control and can be used to overcome differential sticking of rods as well as treating mud rings.
DD 605L can be fed directly into the suction hose, agitated with a mixer tank, paddled into a holding tank, or dripped into the holding tank close to the suction intake.
NOTE: Due to the very strong thinning effect this product has on drilling muds, special attention should be taken not to overtreat when adding to the system.
- FOR DIFFERENTIAL STICKING: Mix a slug of DD 605 in a 1:3 ratio with water. Pump slug down rods and back up annulus to area of sticking. Apply torque and tension to rods. If rods do not come free immediately, allow at least 1 hour for product to work. If not free in 1 hour, repeat the above procedure using a slightly higher concentration of product.
- FOR GENERAL THINNING: Use 0.5 to 1 cup of DD 605L per 100 gallons (0.25-0.5 liters/1000 liters) of water. Due to water composition and drilling conditions, these dosages may vary.
No special precautions are necessary. Contact with skin and eyes should be avoided.
Shipping and Storage:
DD 605L is shipped in cases of 4 x 4 liter jugs. Containers are nonreturnable and should not be reused under any conditions. DD 605L can be stored either indoors or outdoors and is table to 392 degrees F (200 degrees C).
Matex DD 955
Multi-Charged Viscosifier and Shale, Clay, Saprolite, Kimberlite, and Talc Stabilizer
- Description:
DD 955 is a multi-charged liquid viscosifier and formation stabilizer specifically for use in areas plagued with shale and clay instability problems. Due to its ionic charges, DD 955 is absorbed directly onto shales and clays, thereby preventing the water damage that causes loss of core and hole stability. Once absorbed onto the formation the stabilizing effect imparted by DD 955 will remain resistant to any chemical charges in overall mud properties caused by varying geological and drilling conditions. DD 955 effectiveness is enhanced when used with Bio-Cut Plus and Torqueless.
DD 955 can be fed directly into the suction hose, agitated with a mixer tank, paddled into the holding tank, or dripped into the holding tank close to the suction intake. DD 955 can be used in conjunction with all other Matex drilling fluid additives.
For normal drilling, use 1 quart, more or less, of DD 955 per 100 gallons (2.5 liters/1000 liters) of water. Use up to 2 quarts per 100 gallons (5.0 liters/1000 liters) for difficult areas. Due to water composition and drilling conditions, these dosages may vary.
Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep DD 955 away from sparks and open flame and protect from extreme temperatures. Avoid breathing vapors.
Shipping and Storage:
DD 955 is shipped in 5 gallon (20 liter) pails. Containers are nonreturnable and should not be reused under any conditions. DD 955 can be stored either indoors or outdoors and has excellent freeze/thaw recovery. - MSDS
Matex DD 1200
Ultra High Viscosifier
- Description:
DD 1200 is an environmentally safe ultra high molecular weight liquid viscosifier and fluid loss reducer which can be used in either fresh or brine water. It is used in the diamond, rotary, and seismic drilling industries. DD 1200 rapidly builds viscosity and is very resistant to any contaminants that may be encountered while drilling. DD 1200 has excellent shear resistant properties, which prevents viscosity breakdown after it is pumped down-hole and circulated back to surface. DD 1200 can be used for all drilling applications, especially in shales, clays, blocky or fractured formations, overburden, sands, and gravel.
DD 1200 can be fed directly into the suction hose, agitated with a mixer tank, paddled into a holding tank, or dripped into the holding tank close to the suction intake. DD 1200 can be used in conjunction with all Matex drilling fluid additives.
For normal drilling operation, use 1 quart or less of DD 1200 per 100 gallons (2.5 liters/1000 liters) of water. Up to 2 quarts per 100 gallons (5.0 liters/1000 liters) should be used for more difficult areas. Due to water composition and drilling conditions, these dosages may vary.
No special precautions are necessary. Contact with skin and eyes should be avoided.
Shipping and Storage:
DD 1200 is shipped in 5 gallon (20 liter) pails. Containers are nonreturnable and should not be reused under any conditions. DD 1200 can be stored either indoors or outdoors and has excellent freeze/thaw recovery. - MSDS
Matex DD 2000
Powdered Viscosifier
- Description:
DD 2000 is an environmentally safe, very high molecular weight, powdered viscosifier that can be used in either fresh or brine water. It can be used in the diamond, rotary, or percussive drilling. DD 2000 increases viscosity and imparts excellent viscosity yield. It is a superior product in overburden, sand, and gravel areas.
Due to the nature of the product, it should only be used on drills where proper mixing equipment is available in order to obtain proper viscosity yield. When mixed properly, DD 2000 is one of the finest and most economical viscosifiers available. DD 2000 can be used in conjunction with all Matex drilling fluid products.
The recommended dosage of DD 2000 is from 0.5 to 2.0 pounds per 100 gallons (0.7-2.4 kg/1000 liters) of water.
No special precautions are necessary. Contact with skin and eyes should be avoided.
Shipping and Storage:
DD 2000 is shipped in either 5 gallon (20 liter) pails or 55 pound boxes (25 kg), 25-1 kg bags/box. DD 2000 can be stored either indoors or outdoors, but must be kept dry prior to use. - MSDS
Matex DD Xpand (fine and coarse)
Loss Circulation and Plug Material
- Description:
DD XPAND is an environmentally safe, loss circulation, and plug material which can be used in the diamond, rotary, and seismic drilling industries. DD XPAND allows drilling through highly fissured and fractured formations and can effectively shut off water flows.
DD XPAND should be mixed in the form of a slug at approximately 2 to 4 pounds per 100 gallons of fresh water (2.5-5.0 kg/1000 liters). Let stand for 15 minutes, then inject mixture into the rod string, moving the slug to the problem area. Wait 20-30 minutes, then drill. This procedure may have to be repeated if fissures are large. The slug, once at the problem area, will further expand, using up the water in the fissures or cracks, sealing off either lost circulation or incoming water.
2-4 pounds of DD XPAND per 100 gallons (2.5-5.0 kg/1000 liters) of water.
No special precautions are necessary.
Shipping and Storage:
DD XPAND is shipped in 39 pound (189 kg) pails. Containers are nonreturnable and should not be reused under any conditions. DD XPAND can be stored either indoors or outdoors. - MSDS
Matex DHF (Diesel Hammer Fuel)
Alternative to Petroleum-based Diesel Fuels
- Description:
D.H.F offers the ultimate environmentally safe alternative to petroleum-based diesel fuels and biodiesels (part diesel/part vegetable or animal oils) to protect against contamination of job sites.
D.H.F. is derived totally from vegetable oils without the use of alcohols or fuel additives to assist in the firing of the fuel.
D.H.F. maintains environmental integrity while providing a fuel that allows the hammer to operate effectively
Typical Specifications:
Flash point | 292 degrees C |
Pour point | -18 degrees C |
Fire point | 320 degrees C |
Specification gravity | .910 @ 20 degrees C |
Moisture | Trace |
Initial boiling point | 170 degrees C |
Distillation range | 280 degrees C - 371 degrees C |
Non-Alcohol Based High Performance Foam
- is a non-alcohol based foam used for diamond and rotary drilling.
- provides an environmentally acceptable foaming agent to be used in mineral exploration, oil and gas exploration, and water well drilling operations.
- has excellent half-life comparable to the leading foams on the market.
- gives an immediate tight foam with good lifting characteristics.
- can be enhanced by the addition of Matex, Mapac, or DD 1200 to create a significantly stiffer foam if required.
Below is a biodegradability chart comparing this to a common foaming agent. Please note the biodegradability of the Foamer ES is 99.9% after 2 or 3 days. The second point to consider is that the other component, besides the one on the MSDS, is water.
As to previous locations the Foamer ES has been used as a drilling aid for monitoring wells, the following are a few examples: China Lake Base, California, and Lawrence Livermore Labs, California, by PC Exploration and Hickman Air Force Base, Hawaii, by Soil Sampling and Harding Lawson & Associates.
SD4 (Shake Flask Evaluation of the Biodegradability) AOS
Sample | Percent Biodegradation |
AOS 2-S | 99.99 |
AOS 4-S | 100.0 |
AOS 6-S | 99.8 |
AOS 8-S | 99.9 |
C, LAS (Standard) | 94.0 |
The biodegradability of AOS is extremely rapid and complete. Studies using The Soap and Detergent Association’s screening test (Shake Flask Test) are contained in the above table.
Foamer ES can be mixed in water tanks and introduced into the airstream. A foam injection pump may also be used.
Normal Drilling Conditions: 0.5%-1.0% by volume
Excessive Water Flux: 2.0%-3.0% by volume
Shipping and Storage:
Available in 5 gallon (20 liter) pails, 55 gallon (205 liter) drums, or 2 x 2.5 gallon (10 liter) jugs.
Also available as a highly concentrated powder.
Matex Hole Control
A Unique Cost-Saving Fluid Formulated to Speed Up Hole Collaring, Reduce Collar Sloughing, and Stabilize the Total blast Hole
Hole Control:
- can be used with air-rotary tricone, down-hole hammers, and all types of top hammer drills (surface and underground)
- reduces redrills
- eliminates regrinding of cuttings, thus creating bigger chips for sampling purposes
- leaves a sticky, neatly stacked cuttings pile that is not prone to sloughing prior to loading the hole
- acts as a dust suppressant and reduces wind-blown fines
- allows blast holes to be fully loaded, helping to optimize blasting operations
Control Chemical can modify the formula to fit any mine’s drilling conditions and provide start up and technical support.
- 1. Product will separate slightly over time. The buckets need to be shaken vigorously before each use.
- 2. The approximate mix ratio to achieve tank mix suitable for most drilling and hole conditions is approximately 1-1/2 quarts of Hi-Tech to 300 gallons water. This should give you a viscosity increase from 29 (water) to around 45, which resembles a heavy cream. Naturally acidic water sources will require more Hi-Tech additive to achieve the required viscosity.
- 3. Any injection tank smaller than 300 gallons should have a proportionately smaller amount of Hi-Tech introduced. After exposure to the mixing procedure and the use of the product, the drill operator will soon become familiar with the desired result.
- 4. Thorough mixing is achieved by using rig compressed air. An auxiliary air line with a moderate amount of air being released can be inserted into fill opening on tank. A few moments of turbulation in the tank will cause the Hi-Tech to emulsify, and the resultant yield of the product is easily evident. A convenient permanent mixing setup for daily users is to drill a small hole in the water tank and thread a standard air chuck into the tank. This provides an easy air line connection for the drill operator to mix the product.
- 5. The emulsified Hi-Tech mixture is capable of passing through down-hole hammer assemblies, tricone rock bits, and the top hammer percussion assemblies. Hi-Tech is easily introduced into the circulation system by any OEM injection methods or auxiliary pump systems.
Matex Line Flush/Anti-Freeze ES
A Glycol/Alcohol Anti-Freeze Substitute, Both Employee and Environmentally Safe
Eliminate the potential for environmental contamination with conventional anti-freezes when shutting down your drilling operations and draining waterlines.
- can be used to flush drilling water lines of any excessive moisture
- can be left inline as an anti-freeze (highly fluid to -30 deg. C/-22 degree F)
- will act as a lubricant for any inline pumps
- 1. Drain water tanks.
- 2. Introduce product into water lines and pump through the system.
- 3. Monitor discharge until pure product appears. Continue pumping for 10-15 seconds to remove all moisture.
- 4. Product may be left in the system, filling all lines needing protection, or flushed completely.
Dry Powdered Organic Polymer
- Description:
MAPAC is a dry powdered organic polymer which forms a clean, colloidal solution in fresh or brine water. MAPAC is primarily used to reduce fluid loss, increase viscosity, and/or extend bentonite-based drilling fluids. Due to its properties MAPAC can minimize mud rings and reduce torque and circulating pressures as well as rod vibration. It can also be used to enhance bentonite systems, improving suspension and well cake building properties, and in air drilling foams to improve hole stabilizing and clean capabilities. MAPAC and Bio-Cut Plus will enhance clay stabilization.
Slowly add MAPAC to the mud tank in the vortex of the high speed stirrer. To improve dispersion, mix MAPAC into slurry with Bio-Cut Plus.
If adding MAPAC to water to stabilize water-sensitive formations, use 3-5 lbs. of MAPAC per 100 gallons of water (4.5-7.5 kg/1000 liters). If using MAPAC to reduce rod vibration, torque, and/or circulation pressure, use 0.5-1.0 lbs. per 100 gallons (0.7-1.5 kg 1000 liters) of water. Use 0.5-1.5 lbs. of MAPAC per 100 gallons (0.7-1.7 kg 100 liters) if used with air drilling foams such as Matex DD Foam 1560.
Avoid breathing powdered dust. Use in a well-ventilated area or use a mask.
Shipping and Storage:
MAPAC is shipped in 39 lb. (18 kg) pail containers and should be kept dry prior to use. - MSDS
Matex RDO 302 ES / RDO 302 ES MW*
Environmentally Safe Vegetable Oil-Based Rock Drill Lubricant
RDO 302 ES:
- is a unique product developed for all types of drilling where rock drill oils are used, such as D.T.H., air tracks, percussive drills, casing drivers, and top hammers
- reduces the potential of environmental damage during mining production, mineral exploration, construction, and quarrying
- has proprietary lubricating compounds that are not washed off by moisture, thus offering protection when drilling with water. Rust does not develop on internal parts when the hammer is not used.
- has a special filming additive that prevents piston scuffing and heat buildup. Purchase of internal hammer parts is reduced dramatically
- has a viscosity that allows the lubricant to flow freely to areas requiring lubrication
- is particularly suitable for drilling uncontaminated WATER WELLS AND MONITOR WELLS
What Industries Use Rock Oils?
Mining Exploration and Production, Quarrying, Road Construction, Pipeline Construction, Water Well Drilling, and Oil and Gas ExplorationWhat Types of Equipment Use Rock Drill Oil and Why?
Rock Drill Oils are used to lubricate hydraulic or pneumatic percussive-type drilling equipment such as air tracks, down-hole hammers, hydraulic and pneumatic long-hole drills, jacklegs, and stoppers.Why Would Conventional Rock Drill Oils be Potential Environmental Contaminants?
The lubricating methods where rock drill oils is utilized have open ended or non-circulating systems, therefore the lubricant is discharged directly on or into the ground. Since most rock drill oils are pet, this presents the opportunity for contamination of surface or groundwaters.What Volume of Rock Drill Oil is Used at Any One Time?
The lubricating requirements vary with the type of drill being used. This amount could range from 10-40 liters per day, depending on the footage drilled, the number of shifts worked, or the method of lubricant delivery. This can equate to significant quantities of petroleum oil being discharged into the environment, especially if a number of drills are involved (e.g., 12 drills x 20 liters/day x 250 days – 60,000 liters/year).Are There Any Restrictive Environmental Regulations Applicable to the Use of Rock Drill Oils?
Although rock drill oils are not specifically mentioned, most environmental agencies have a general statement forbidding the introduction of any potential contaminants into surface or groundwaters at any time. Most states and provinces require an accidental spill, even small quantities of petroleum products (e.g. hydraulic oils), as low as 20 liters (5 gallons) to be treated as a hazardous waste spill and be disposed of as such.SPECIFIC USES AND ADVANTAGES Water Wells:
RDO 302 ES provides a more effective way of lubricating D.T.H.’s and avoids contaminating the water well or the groundwater. Drillers should have no trouble accepting product, particularly with consumer’s heightened awareness of environmental issues.Monitor Wells:
The use of conventional Rock Drill Oils is not allowed in this application because of the introduction of hydrocarbons into the groundwater where sampling is to take place. Such substitutes as Crisco, etc., do not offer lubricating characteristics. RDO 302 ES is not only free of any petroleum hydrocarbons, priority pollutants, etc., but it is also an effective lubricant. RDO 302 ES has been approved on a number of occasions for this purpose by both engineering companies and government agencies. This is on a project by project approval based on the data presented. Not using lubricants while drilling monitor wells shortens the life of the hammer and also introduces metallic contamination (e.g. lead) to the groundwater as the hammer and bit wear down.Oil and Gas Wells:
A common practice in certain areas of the Eastern U.S. is drilling with a D.T.H. The deeper the drilling the less the conventional oil gets to the hammer. Our experience in this area has been with drilling 10,000-12,000 foot holes using 18″ hammers and 22″ bits. RDO 302 ES proved to be much more effective than the conventional oil in saving hammers and pistons. Better performance combined with the fact that the amount of mineral oils allowed in the sump is being restricted make RDO 302 ES a natural. If they are water misting, then BIO-CUT PLUS would also be applicable.Mining and Exploration:
RDO 302 ES offers an environmentally safe alternative to conventional oils and lowers maintenance of hammers, etc. Mines and exploration operations are coming under more focused environmental scrutiny.Construction:
Air-Tracks are commonly used for road construction and quarry work. RDO 302 ES not only gives the normal benefits, but improves the performance of the air controls which are lubricated.GENERAL BENEFITS OF RDO 302 ES:
- Environmentally safe to the extreme.
- Why drill a water well and open the door for contamination; use the safe alternative.
- RDO 302 ES gets to the hammer and does not stick to drill pipe like other oils.
- Stays on metal parts of the hammer and does not easily wash off in the presence of water-like conventional oils.
- The internal parts of the hammer will not rust during downtime.
- The use of water during drilling only reduces the effectiveness of conventional oils, but RDO 302 ES will not emulsify in the presence of water. As a result RDO 302 ES stays on the metal, providing better protection.
- For best results, immerse piston in RDO 302 ES for an hour before installing it in the hammer.
- Lubrication can be better controlled and consumption reduced by using RDO 302 ES.
- 1. Use in all in-line lubrications or as a batch lubricant poured down the drill pipe.
- 2. Replaces present Rock Drill Oils for use in pneumatic and percussive drilling. (e.g., down-hole hammers, pneumatic mining drills (jumbos and stoppers), air tracks, hydraulic percussive drills, etc.).
- 3. Provides an environmentally safe product that lubricates more effectively than conventional Rock Drill Oils, while reducing contamination of surface and groundwaters. Particularly suited for drilling in sensitive areas such as adjacent to streams and lakes or where groundwater protection is important.
- Viscosity: @ 100 degrees C 8.42 Cst., @ 400 degrees C 46.0 Cst.
- Specific Gravity: @25 degrees C 0.907
- VI: 214
- Flash Point: 292 degrees C.
- LC50: 10,000 ppm+
- Heavy Metals: none
- Active Ingredients: 5-10%
Matex Seismic 2 in 1
The Ultimate Product – Hole Stabilizer and Hammer Lubricant
- provides hole stabilization by combining polymers and environmentally safe oils that coat the hole to prevent hole caving
- eliminates the need for rock drill oil to lubricate the hammer while drilling in unstable ground
- can be introduced into air line and drilling water from the drill’s rock drill oil lubricator
- gives two products for the price of one and reduces inventories
Matex Slo-Freeze ES
An Environmentally Safe Fluid for Extending the Freezing Time of Drilling Water, No Glycol/Alcohol
- when mixed with drilling water on blast hole rigs, exploration drills, construction equipment, etc., slows freezing process
- is not a permanent anti-freeze. It is an environmentally safe alternative to help avoid environmental contamination by pumping methanol or similar alcohols onto or into the ground
- is noncorrosive and offers protection to the tank and pumping system due to its lubricating capabilities, unlike alcohol-based systems
- similar to the alcohol-based anti-freeze, should be used for short periods of time for inactive equipment where water is not drained from the systems
- is highly water soluble, but will experience partial separation over extended periods as does alcohol-based anti-freeze
- must be mixed into the water for best results
Because of variables of length of shutdown and temperatures it is recommended that a routine be established for each particular operation.
Mix ratios for protection in extreme cold periods should be 20 to 1. As temperatures and conditions lessen, mix ratios can be further diluted.
*NOTE: This is not automotive anti-freeze.
Matex Torqueless
The ultimate rotary and diamond drilling product for in-hole torque reducing, protecting against rod wear, preventing rust, and extending bit life.
- is not just another soluble lube, it pays its way
- has produced both bit-life and penetration rate increases during diamond drilling operations
- is based on an environmentally safe technology which has proven to be effective in lubricating down-hole consumables over the past 5-7 years
- is non-sheening when accidentally introduced into a water course
- inhibits swelling of clay-like materials such as saprolites, talcs, and kimberlites
- is extremely effective for lubricating both down-hole hammers and protecting against drill pipe wear during horizontal drilling (eliminating the need for rock drill oil)
- protects drill rod wear when using wedges in diamond drilling
- increases tool joint life by reducing torque in the hole
- will enhance the effectiveness of powdered mud systems (bentonites, polymers, or pacs). Combined with the appropriate fluids and mixing systems, Torqueless will reduce stuck drill rods and lost casing in squeezing ground conditions
1-100 to 1-300 depending upon drilling conditions and hole depth.
Matex Ultra Vis
A New High-Tech Liquid Polymer Viscosifier and Fluid Loss Control Product
- is used for the diamond, horizontal, rotary, or seismic drilling applications
- is a highly concentrated product that rapidly develops into a very high viscosity fluid when mixed with water
- provides viscosity yields 40-100% greater than conventional polymers and can be used in fresh or brine water
- is an excellent inhibitor against shales, clays, fractured zones, sand and blocky formations, and contaminants
- is resistant to viscosity change under high water temperature conditions
- has superior shear-resistant properties
- Dosage:
Dependent on water and drilling conditions; however, up to 50% less ULTRA VIS will be required than conventional products.
20 liter pails or 2 x 10 liter boxes for easy handling.
Shipping and Storage:
See Material Safety Data Sheet - MSDS
Features |
Wide range of environmentally safe drilling fluids. |
Meet clean performance standards. |
Reduce re-drills. |
Avoid problems downhole. |
Increase production. |
Reduce drilling costs. |

Various videos demonstrating product effectiveness.